Graduate Program in Geophysics

The Graduate Program in Geophysics (PG) at the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) of the University of São Paulo (USP) is one of the most traditional programs in the field of Geosciences in Brazil. In 2019, PG-USP celebrated 45 years of existence, having awarded more than 300 master's and doctoral degrees over this period.

The program's broad thematic diversity, covering all areas of Geophysics, combined with excellent computational and laboratory infrastructure and strong collaboration between the program’s research groups and other groups in Brazil and abroad, provide graduate students with an outstanding academic environment for conducting their research.

CAPES evaluation



Master, PhD, Direct PhD

Admission to the Graduate Program in Geophysics

Mão segurando uma caneta sobre uma mesa com papeis, cadernos e xícara de café (foto: Green Chameleon/Unsplash)
Mão segurando uma caneta sobre uma mesa com papeis, cadernos e xícara de café (foto: Green Chameleon/Unsplash)

Admission to the Graduate Program in Geophysics

Admission to the Graduate Program in Geophysics at IAG/USP takes place through a selection process regulated by a public notice prepared by the Program’s Commission (CCP) and published in the Official State Gazette of São Paulo and on the program’s website.

Rede de geiseres no Parque Nacional de Yellowstone (foto: Dan Meyers/unsplash)

Teaching and Courses

Estudantes de mestrado, doutorado e doutorado direto deverão completar a respectiva quantidade mínima de créditos.

Superfície da Terra mostrando relevo oceânico e elevações de terra (adaptado de NGDC/NOAA)

Qualifying exam and mandatory seminars

For information on the qualification exam and mandatory seminars, please refer to the Regulations of the Graduate Program in Geophysics, according to your enrollment date.

Colunas de Basalto na Islândia (crédito: Jonathan Larson/unsplash)

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Após o  ingresso no programa de pós-graduação em Geofísica, o aluno pode postular uma bolsa de estudo em agências financiadoras.


Thesis Defense: A study of the velocity structures under the Paraná, Chaco-Paraná and Pantanal basins

Student: Israel Augusto Dragone Program: Geophysics Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Belantani de Bianchi

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Thesis Defense: A study of the velocity structures under the Paraná, Chaco-Paraná and Pantanal basins

Student: Israel Augusto Dragone Program: Geophysics Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Belantani de Bianchi

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Doutorado: Estudo das estruturas de velocidade sob as bacias do Paraná, Chaco- Paraná e Pantanal

Estudante: Israel Augusto Dragone Programa: Geofísica Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Belantani de Bianchi

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