Study of the correlation between magnetic susceptibility and NMR relaxation using T2-filtered and T1-weighted CPMG

Primeiro Autor Lucas-Oliveira, E., Jácomo, M. H., Marassi, A. G., da Trindade, R. I. F., & Bonagamba, T. J.
Autores Lucas-Oliveira, E., Jácomo, M. H., Marassi, A. G., da Trindade, R. I. F., & Bonagamba, T. J.

NMR is widely applied in Materials Science for the characterization of porous materials. The advantage of this technique is the high correlation between the NMR measurements and the physical-chemical features of the material. Magnetic susceptibility is one of many other properties that have been investigated by time domain NMR. In this work, the study of the influence of magnetic susceptibility on the relaxation process of micro and macroporosity is carried out, which is obtained using the T2-filtered and T1-weighted techniques combined with the CPMG experiment. This approach seeks to simplify the problem by treating microporosity and macro porosity conditions separately. The obtained data show the strong influence of the magnetic susceptibility on the relaxation times as expected, but showing more influence for the shorter ones, related to small pores.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2023
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em revista
Nome da revista/jornal Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Localidade Publicação Internacional
Volume 225
Número 211653
Palavras chave Relaxation time;Magnetic susceptibility;T2-filtered CPMG;T1-weighted CPMG
Página web
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