A. Jury Awards
1. Scientific Initiation
Luana Alves Antonio - Astronomia - Ciência de Populações Estelares: o caso de NGC 1850 Marina Kuhn Queiroz - Geofísica - Deciphering the Pangea Enigma: A Paleomagnetic Analysis of Permian Sedimentary Rocks
Honorable Mention:
Marcos Vinicius Coimbra Bezerra et. al. - Astronomia - Astronomia - Noite com as Estrelas 3 - Rafael Pereira Nunes - Astronomia - Abundances of Sodium (Na) in Galactic bulge field stars Felipe Lima de Moura - Física - Magnetospheres around High Mass Stars revealed by Polarimetry
2. Master Degree
Rubens Fabio Pereira - Ciências Atmosféricas - Desvendando Aerossóis: Explorando Tamanho, Número e Eventos de Formação de Partículas em São Paulo
Honorable Mention:
José Yuri Santos Silva - Astronomia - A three-dimensional model for spiral galaxies
Thalita Borba da Silva - Geofísica - GPR e a Arqueologia Subaquática: Explorando o passado escondido nas águas
3. PhD
Tajan Henrique de Amorim - Astronomia - How to x-ray a circumstellar disk
Honorable Mention:
Caroline Fernanda Hei Wikuats - Ciências Atmosféricas - Unveiling the Oxidative Potential of PM2.5 in São Paulo
Rodrigo Lustosa - Ciências Atmosféricas - The Urban Heat Island in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo Across Decades
4. Pos-Docs/Researchers
Emílio Zanatta - Astronomia - Galaxy Nucleation from Groups to Clusters: Nucleated dwarf galaxies from the Local Volume to the Center of The Great Atractor and the Unexpected Role of Environment
Honorable Mention:
Julia Carolina Rivadeneyra Vera - Geofísica - Lithospheric structure velocity in the Southern Brazilian margin from surface waves analysis
Maria Victoria Del Valle - Astronomia - High-energy Astrophysics
5. Professors
Ricardo Trindade - Geofísica - Out of Africa: tracking the South Atlantic Anomaly in different time-scales
Honorable Mention:
Ciriaco Goddi - Astronomia - Estudo de jatos astrofísicos e buracos negros por meio de interferometria radio
Micael Amore Cecchini - Ciências Atmosféricas - The ATTO-Campina Site: First Results from a New Long-Term, Remote Sensing-Based Observational Site on the Amazon
B. Audience Awards
1. Best scientific content
Winner: Rafael Pereira Nunes - Astronomia - Abundances of Sodium (Na) in Galactic bulge field stars
Honorable Mention: João Pedro Benites - Geofísica - Estimation of the P and S wave Velocity of the Near Surface
2. Best visual appeal
Winner: Antonio Nazareno Filho - Astronomia - Desenvolvimento e Simulação de um Polarímetro de Alta Precisão para Observaçõoes Astronômicas
Honorable Mention: Carlos Augusto Moreira Coelho - Astronomia - Arp 273 in a new light: simulating gas, feedback and star formation
3. Best presentation
Winner: João Pedro Benites - Geofísica - Estimation of the P and S wave Velocity of the Near Surface
Honorable Mention: Rafael Pereira Nunes - Astronomia - Abundances of Sodium (Na) in Galactic bulge field stars
Sessão 1
Data: 10/09/2024
Horário: 14:00 - 15:40
Anfitriões: Prof. Alex Carciofi e Profª. Andrea Ustra
Jurados: Tajan Amorim, Ualisson Bellon e Prof. Ricardo de Camargo
1 - Ricardo Trindade - Geofísica - Out of Africa: tracking the South Atlantic Anomaly in different time-scales
2 - Beatriz Ribeiro Zanon - Astronomia - Cientistas Brilhantes: Marie Tharp, a Cientista que Mapeou o Fundo do Oceano e sua Importância para a Geofísica.
3 - Miriam Mathias Gigi - Ciências Atmosféricas - Modeling Natural Radioactivity at Meaípe Beach Using Neural Networks
4 - Nathalia Aparecida Dutra Pires - Astronomia - Spider Systems: Black Widows, Redbacks and Light Black Holes
5 - Melissa de Andrade Nunes - Geofísica - As contribuições do paleomagnetismo para compreender a evolução dos campos magnéticos no Sistema Solar
6 - Guilherme Renato Cunha Sampaio - Astronomia - Ondas Alfvén em ventos de Supergigantes Vermelhas
7 - Eliana Nascimento da Costa - Ciências Atmosféricas - Análise da Influência dos Aerossóis na Convecção e Atividade Elétrica das Nuvens na Amazônia.
8 - Matheus de Lima Pinho - Astronomia - Building a high-resolution grid for fast-rotating stars.
9 - Júlia Massucato Silva - Geofísica - A preliminary study about how was the Earth's magnetic field from 80 to 40 Ma: a field trip to the Itatiaia Alkaline Massif
10 - Ciriaco Goddi - Astronomia - Estudo de jatos astrofísicos e buracos negros por meio de interferometria radio
11 - Renata Constantino - Geofísica - Exploration of tectonic structures in Antarctica
12 - Helena de Godoy Casimiro - Ciências Atmosféricas - Nowcasting Hailstorms in São Paulo
13 - Anne Viegas Rathsam - Astronomia - Beryllium: the smoking gun of the rejuvenated star HD 65907
14 - Gabriel Cassoli Capellini - Astronomia - T Tauri Stars as Transient Gamma-ray Sources
15 - Nathália de Souza Penna - Geofísica - Geophysics applied to hydrogeological studies aiming to prevent water and food crises in the state of São Paulo
16 - Morgan Sabino Camargo - Astronomia - The Panchromatic Stellar Atlas as a tool for stellar populations in the Milky Way
Sessão 2
Data: 10/09/2024
Horário: 16:00 - 17:40
Anfitriões: Profª. Andrea Ustra e Camila
Jurados: Prof. Alex Carciofi, Prof. George Sand e Prof. Fabio Gonçalves
1 - Pedro Henrique do Vale Cunha - Astronomia - Cosmic Mirages in the Gaia Era
2 - Lia Doubrawa - Astronomia - Unveiling the alignment of galaxies with S-PLUS
3 - Danilo Couto de Souza - Ciências Atmosféricas - Revisiting Cyclone Dynamics: The Role of Barotropic Instability in Extratropical Cyclone Development
4 - Luana Alves Antonio - Astronomia - Ciência de Populações Estelares: o caso de NGC 1850
5 - Marcos Vinicius Coimbra Bezerra, Biô Koundakis Braga, Morgan Sabino Camargo, Joara Cardoso Silva, Vitória Carvalho Monteiro de Oliveira, Carolina Salvatierra, Antônio Nazareno Uchoa De Oliveira Filho - Astronomia - Noite com as Estrelas
6 - Marina Fernandes Sanches Barros - Geofísica - Environmental characterization using the resistive‑capacitive method
7 - Felix Virgilio Steffen Cruz - Astronomia - Analysis of Solar Wind Plasma Shocks Registered by the Voyager 2 Probe During a Period of 50 Days of 1979
8 - Antonio Quispe Rivera - Ciências Atmosféricas - Característica das tempestades elétricas observadas com o GPM-DPR e GLM na América do Sul
9 - Victor Sacek - Geofísica - Manto, Montanhas e Moluscos
10 - Vittória Leme Schiavolim - Astronomia - A espectroscopia no estudo dos discos de estrelas Be
11 - Lucas Camargo - Ciências Atmosféricas - Óxidos de Nitrogênio Produzidos por Raios em Tempestades no Sítio ATTO-Campina
12 - Arthur Silva Magalhães - Astronomia - Astrophysical Parameters Determination for Young Star Clusters
13 - Felipe Baiadori da Silva - Geofísica - Evidence of crustal flexure induced by fluvial incisions
14 - Nilson Oliveira da Silva - Ciências Atmosféricas - Moisture sources for the upper Paraguay River basin
15 - Maria Victoria del Valle - Astronomia - High-energy Astrophysics
16 - Marina Kuhn Queiroz - Geofísica - Deciphering the Pangea Enigma: A Paleomagnetic Analysis of Permian Sedimentary Rocks
17 - Rafael Pereira Nunes - Astronomia - Abundances of Sodium (Na) in Galactic bulge field stars
Sessão 3
Data: 11/09/2024
Horário: 14:00 - 15:40
Anfitriões: Tajan Amorim e Lais Borbolato
Jurados: Loreany Ferreira, Gabriel Dragone e Ana Maria Nunes
1 - Giovana Monteiro Nascimento - Astronomia - Morphological and non-parametric properties of clusters: Abell 1644 and Abell 3158
2 - Eric Frota de Sousa - Geofísica - Using hydrogeophysics to estimate unconfined aquifer recharge
3 - Luana Passos Reis - Astronomia - Studies of Variability and Radiative Processes around Black Holes
4 - Rodrigo Lustosa - Ciências Atmosféricas - The Urban Heat Island in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo Across Decades
5 - Pedro Nicolas Diniz Carvalho - Astronomia - High energy radiation in star clusters
6 - Victoria Malta Pereira de Lima - Geofísica - Current scenario of urban aquifer contamination by nitrate in Monte Azul Paulista
7 - Pablo Andrés Araya Araya - Astronomia - Progenitors of Galaxy Clusters Experienced a Submillimeter-Bright Epoch
8 - Amábile Sabiá Bighetto - Ciências Atmosféricas - Obtenção e análise da velocidade terminal de gotas de chuva utilizando disdrômetros e radar de apontamento vertical na Amazônia
9 - Guilherme Pimentel Pereira Bolzan - Astronomia - Flickers em estrelas Be: como abrilhamentos estelares temporários ajudam a entender perdas de massa
10 - Yago Moreira Castro - Geofísica - Magali: Modelling and Inversion of Magnetic Microscopy Data
11 - Abhner P. de Almeida - Astronomia - What drives the corpulence of central dwarf galaxies?
12 - Kenedy Silverio - Ciências Atmosféricas - Impact of El Nino events on extreme precipitation during the monsoon in southern Africa
13 - Marcelo Ciani Vicentin - Astronomia - Searching for Galaxy Clusters Over 10 Billion Years of Cosmic History
14 - Arthur Siqueira de Macêdo - Geofísica - Integration of airborne geophysics datasets with gradient-boosted equivalent sources on the sphere
15 - Larissa Ribeiro Magalhães - Astronomia - Instabilidade de raios cósmicos durante a aceleração em choques
16 - Gabriel Elias Mandanda - Ciências Atmosféricas - Previsibilidade de Tempestades Elétricas na Bacia do Prata
17 - Elismar Lösch - Astronomia - Determination of galaxy-cluster memberships in the 5R200 region of clusters in the S-PLUS footprint
Sessão 4
Data: 11/09/2024
Horário: 16:00 - 17:40
Anfitriões: Profª. Daniele Brandt e Loreany Ferreira
Jurados: Lais Borbolato, Julia Carolina e Prof. Carlos Raupp
1 - Stela Adduci Faria - Astronomia - Cosmic Ray Propagation and Multi-Messenger Emission by Galaxy Clusters
2 - André Luiz Figueiredo - Astronomia - Revelando o funcionamento dos discos de três mil estrelas Be
3 - Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Geofísica - LiDAR and drone-based 3D modelling of landslides
4 - Carlos Augusto Moreira Coelho - Astronomia - Arp 273 in a new light: simulating gas, feedback and star formation
5 - Micael Amore Cecchini - Ciências Atmosféricas - The ATTO-Campina Site: First Results from a New Long-Term, Remote Sensing-Based Observational Site on the Amazon
6 - Felipe Lima de Moura - Physics - Magnetospheres around High Mass Stars revealed by Polarimetry
7 - Leonardo Augusto Martins - Geofísica - Magnetotelluric Study in the Pantanal Basin
8 - José Yuri Santos Silva - Astronomia - A three-dimensional model for spiral galaxies
9 - Gabriel Negrucci Dragone - Geofísica - Regional resistivity model of the Paraná basin lithosphere from electromagnetic induction methods
10 - Harryson Araújo dos Santos - Ciências Atmosféricas - Análise de Propriedades Ópticas e Composição Química do Aerossol em São Paulo
11 - Emílio Zanatta - Astronomia - Galaxy Nucleation from Groups to Clusters: Nucleated dwarf galaxies from the Local Volume to the Center of The Great Atractor and the Unexpected Role of Environment
12 - Lucas Gabriel Silva - Astronomia - Galaxy Cluster Mass Estimation Through The Splashback Radius
13 - Marianna Tagnin - Geofísica - Induced Polarization contribution to Hydrogeophysics
14 - Carlos Henrique Soares da Silva - Astronomia - Search for unknown galaxy clusters in Stripe 82/SDSS
15 - Júlia Sobral Coutinho - Geofísica - O pesadelo dos paleomagnetistas: um estudo sobre remagnetização
16 - Maria Augusta Rocha Viana Carvalho da Silva - Ensino de Astronomia - Classificação de Hubble e os desafios de um ensino inclusivo
17 - Miriam Mathias Gigi - Ciências Atmosféricas - Modeling Natural Radioactivity at Meaípe Beach Using Neural Networks
Sessão 5
Data: 12/09/2024
Horário: 14:00 - 15:40
Anfitriões: Prof. Micael Cecchini e Stela Aducci
Jurados: Stela Aducci, Prof. Carlos Grohmann e Prof. Micael Cecchini
1 - Débora Pereira Barbosa - Astronomia - Studying Nonthermal Radiation in Stellar Bowshock Nebulae
2 - Pedro Henrique da Silva Chibane - Geofísica - Comparison of the magnetic susceptibility of different biological tissues as a function of air pollution and season in São Paulo, Brazil.
3 - Camila Naomi Koshikumo - Astronomia - Magnetic field amplification induced by cosmic-rays at non-relativistic shocks
4 - João de São Pedro Carciofi - Ciências Atmosféricas - Turbulent fluxes over remotely originated anticyclones in the South Brazil Bight
5 - João Vitor Nogueira dos Santos - Astronomia - The metallicity distribution function of the Typhon stellar stream
6 - Jaqueline de Fatima Masotti - Astronomia - Modelling a PeVatron source associated with a SNR
7 - Giovani Heinzen Vicentin - Astronomia - Fast turbulent magnetic reconnection and its implications for particle acceleration
8 - Fernando Lima de Oliveira - Geofísica - Electrical response of an oil accumulation under sand.
9 - Caroline Fernanda Hei Wikuats - Ciências Atmosféricas - Unveiling the Oxidative Potential of PM2.5 in São Paulo
10 - Pedro Pupo Candido - Astronomia - The mysterious triple-peak features in Be binaries
11 - João Pedro Benites - Geofísica - Estimation of the P and S wave Velocity of the Near Surface
12 - Tajan Henrique de Amorim - Astronomia - How to x-ray a circumstellar disk
13 - João Pedro Rodriguez Pinto - Geofísica - Influência de um campo geomagnético anômalo em dados paleomagnéticos do Criogênico
Sessão 6
Data: 12/09/2024
Horário: 16:00 - 17:40
Anfitriões: Stela Aducci e Profª. Andrea Ustra
Jurados: Prof. Reinaldo Lima, Pedro Chibane e Henri Pinheiro
1 - Pamela Reis Querido - Astronomia - How to Identify Mass Loss in a Be Star
2 - Taísa Oliveira de Jesus - Astronomia - Comparando Bibliotecas Espectrais Estelares
3 - Giulianna Pereira Rosseto - Ciências Atmosféricas - Size Distribution of Atmospheric Particles Emitted by Cooking Processes
4 - Vitor Ribeiro Silva - Astronomia - Magnetohydrodynamic and High Energy Radiative Processes around the Galactic Centre
5 - Taghi Shirzad - Geofísica - Crustal and Upper Mantle Anisotropy in Brazil Using Ambient Seismic Noise
6 - Clara Amorim Navarro - Astronomia - A Polarimetric View of Achernar's Disk
7 - Guilherme Martins Pereira - Ciências Atmosféricas - Source apportionment of particulate pollutants in Metropolitan Area of São Paulo
8 - Thalita Borba da Silva - Geofísica - GPR e a Arqueologia Subaquática: Explorando o passado escondido nas águas
9 - André Almeida Trovello - Astronomia - Investigating the Synthetic Effect in Spectral Models of Star Populations
10 - Márcio Matheus Santana Farias - Ciências Atmosféricas - Performance Assessment of Air Quality Monitors Within and Beyond the Urban Sprawl of São Paulo
11 - Daniele Brandt - Geofísica - Unveiling Earth's Ancient Magnetism
12 - Julia Carolina Rivadeneyra Vera - Geofísica - Lithospheric structure velocity in the Southern Brazilian margin from surface waves analysis
13 - Rubens Fabio Pereira - Ciências Atmosféricas - Desvendando Aerossóis: Explorando Tamanho, Número e Eventos de Formação de Partículas em São Paulo
14 - Luna Costa Lacerda Espinosa - Astronomia - Modeling Nonthermal Emission in a Stellar Bubble
15 - Mariana Monteiro e Silva - Geofísica - Unravelling regional magmatism through rock magnetism
16 - Antonio Nazareno Uchoa de Oliveira Filho - Astronomia - Desenvolvimento e Simulação de um Polarímetro de Alta Precisão para Observaçõoes Astronômicas
Award Ceremony and Round Table on Scientific Policies
Data: Sep. 13th (Fri)
Time: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
1. Award ceremony for the best presentations in each category
2. Round table on scientific policies
Participants - IAG-USP:
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da Trindade - Dean
Prof. Dr. Silvia Cristina Fernandes Rossi - Head of the Departament of Astronomy
Prof. Dr. Jorge Porsani - Head of the Departament of Geophysics
Prof. Dr. Rosmeri Porfirio da Rocha - Head of the Departament of Atmospheric Sciences
Prof. Dr. Vagner Roberto Elis - Chair of the Research and Innovation Committee
Prof. Dr. Marcos Perez Dias - Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Camargo - Chair of the Undergraduate Studies Committee
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Bianchi - Vice-Chair of the Culture and Extension Committee
Prof. Dr. Leonardo Uieda - Chair of the National and International Cooperation Committee
Prof. Dr. Rita Yuri Ynoue - Chair of the Inclusion and Belonging Committee
Registration for the 9th IAG Science Day is now open!
This event is an opportunity for all IAG members to present a concise summary of their research to all the other members of our institute. This year’s edition will be in person, bringing back the main gist of the meeting, which is the interaction between students and professors of all three departments.
The event will be broadcast at IAG's YouTube channel. There will be a prize for the best presentations in several categories, so do your best!
Registration form:
Write down the DATES on your agenda:
- Aug. 23th (Fri): registration deadline.
- Sep. 6th (Fri): deadline to send the presentation slides (following instructions that will be sent after the registration deadline)
- Sep. 10th (Tuesday): IAG Science Day begins!
- Sep. 13th (Friday): Announcement of the best presentations in each category.
- Undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, professors and staff are invited to present their contributions
- Be concise and to the point! Be creative, for every minute counts.
- Slides should preferably be in English
- Presentations can be either in English or in Portuguese
- Presentations will be 4 minutes long + 1 minute for questions
- Presentations will be organized in 1h20 sessions on the afternoons of Sep. 10-12.
Sessions will be recorded and will later be made available in the IAG Youtube channel.
Every session will have an evaluation form, so the audience can give a score to each presentation.
- Public choice award for the best science content
- Public choice award for the best presentation
- Public choice award from the best speaker
Jury award in the following categories:
- Best IC presentation
- Best MSc presentation
- Best PhD presentation
- Best Post-doctoral presentation
- Best Professor presentation
- Best Research Assistant presentation
Should you have any questions, contact the local organizing committee at