Dados de gravimetria por satélite aplicados à exploração mineral

Primeiro Autor Denis K. S. Barbosa
Autores Barbosa, D.K.S.

The GOCE satellite has greatly improved gravimetric researches about the structure of the Earth. Recent published works shown that these data can also be used aiming mineral exploration. These works show that the residual Bouguer anomaly, processed from satellite data, can give information about the direction, orientation and/or the main regions that must be studied in detail: this is the case for Carajás, Alta Floresta and Quadrilatero Ferrifero mineral provinces, studied in this work. On the other hand, Tapajos mineral province, however, shows no apparent relation to the residual Bouguer anomaly. It is expected that the conclusions of this work can help to reduce the costs of projects using airbone surveys and the mineral exploration process.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2016
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal VII SimBGf
Localidade Publicação Nacional
DOI 10.22564/7simbgf2016.016
Página web
Anexo Barbosa, D.K.S. & Molina, E.C.,.pdf