Modeling HTEM Data Anomalied for Mineral Exploration in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero, MG

Autor Gabriela Serejo de Oliveira,Gabriela Serejo de Oliveira,Gabriela Serejo de Oliveira
Autores Oliveira, G.S.

We present a preliminary analysis of the modeling of data from a Helicopter Transient Electromagnetic survey acquired by CPRM – Geological Survey of Brazil, for the project Rio das Velhas II, over the Quadrilateral Ferrifero, MG, Brazil. The integration of the airborne magnetic data was important for the analysis and selection of conductive anomalies for modeling, in order to understand their structural control. For the conductors modeling, we used EMIT Maxwell thin sheet modeling in this research, for the purpose of extracting geometrical parameters of the main conductive bodies.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2019
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal 16º International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & Expogef
Localidade Publicação Nacional
Volume 1
Página web
Anexo Oliveira, G.S., Porsani, J.L., Couto Jr., M.A..pdf