Multi-proxy case study of a Neoproterozoic rhyolite flow in southernmost Brazil: Emplacement mechanisms and implications for ancient felsic lavas

Autor Maurício Barcelos Haag
Autores Haag, M.B., Freitas, R.B., Sommer, C.A., Savian, J.F., Lima, E.F., Gambeta, J.H., Lyra, D. S. & Trindade, R.I.F.

Rhyolites compose an important record in the volcanic history of Earth, with significant occurrences in volcanic arcs, large igneous provinces and post-collisional terranes, often associated with explosive events. In several geologic provinces, rhyolites dominate as the most expressive geologic units (e.g., Silicic Large Igneous Provinces - SLIPs). Despite their importance, several aspects related to the emplacement of rhyolite flows are still enigmatic. Recent studies in modern rhyolite lavas suggest similar emplacement mechanisms to basaltic lavas, implying a more dynamic growth model for silicic flows, including outbreak lobes and outpour structures. Despite these advances, studies related to the recognition of these features in ancient flows are still rare. In this work we perform a multi-proxy study of an ancient (Neoproterozoic) rhyolitic lava flow combining fieldwork, petrography, geochemistry, rheology and magnetic fabric analysis. The Cerro do Perau outcrop (CP, southern Brazil) consists of a natural laboratory for the study of rhyolite lavas, presenting excellent exposure of a partially preserved flow with distinct flow features and folds. CP flow consists of a high-silica and low-crystal content rhyolite, suggesting its emplacement as an obsidian flow. Rheology data indicates high liquidus temperatures (>957 °C), with maximum viscosities of 108.5 Pa s and glass transition temperatures (Tg) of 750 °C. The absence of brittle features suggests little to none displacement below Tg. Structural analysis indicates the predominance of sub-vertical foliation planes, including axial planes of folds, indicative of proximal (near-vent) regions in rhyolite flows. The absence of lineations favors a predominantly planar accommodation of the flow-induced deformation, which is confirmed by the shape of the magnetic fabric ellipsoids. Several of these ellipsoids display a high degree of anisotropy, mostly related to an oblate fabric, indicative of the development of high-strain zones within the flow. Our data suggest that CP flow presents some similarities with recently proposed field-based emplacement models for rhyolitic flows, highlighting the significant data that can be extracted from a combination of magnetic fabrics and rheological analyses.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2021
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em revista
Nome da revista/jornal Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Localidade Publicação Internacional
Volume 107, April 2021, 102982
Página web
Anexo Haag, M.B., Freitas, R.B., Sommer, C.A., Savian, J.F., Lima, E.F., Gambeta, J.H., Lyra, D. S. & Trindade, R.I.F..pdf