Modelling integrated light spectrum to study hot stellar components in old stellar populations


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Auditório "Prof. Dr. Paulo Benevides Soares", Bloco G. Com transmissão pela internet (palestrante remoto).

Modelling integrated light spectrum to study hot stellar components in old stellar populations
Thayse Pacheco
Hot high-gravity low-mass stellar components are known to impact the properties of old star clusters, mimicking the presence of young ages. The integrated light of old stellar populations contain evolved components that are often neglected in population synthesis models. We computed a new grid of detailed atmosphere models and synthetic spectra for hot high-gravity low-mass subdwarf stars (Pacheco et al. 2021, ApJS, 256:41). Our high-resolution spectra and synthetic photometry were calculated using Non-LTE fully line-blanketed atmosphere structures. With this spectral grid we synthesized the stellar population of galactic globular clusters as a proxy to quantify the implication of the hot stellar component for the integrated light spectrum. This was the first time that the integrated light spectra were modelled at this level of detail from the UV to the optical range.
Licentiate in Science of Nature, with emphasis in Physics at the Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina. Bachelor in Physics, with emphasis in Astrophysics at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Masters in Astrophysics and PhD candidate at the Universidade de São Paulo. She went to the Mobility Program at the Astrophysics Research Institute at Liverpool John Moores University funded by the Santander bank and next year she is going to the Split Fellowship Program funded by CNPq. She is a student representative in the Astronomy department and is interested in outreach.