Cosmology with state-of-the-art photometric galaxy surveys - Dark Energy Survey and Legacy Survey of Space and Time


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Auditório "Prof. Dr. Paulo Benevides Soares", Bloco G. Com transmissão pela internet.

Cosmology with state-of-the-art photometric galaxy surveys - Dark Energy Survey and Legacy Survey of Space and Time
Rogério Rosenfeld
I will present the cosmological results from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) analysis of data collected over three years, the so-called DES-Y3 data, focusing on the contributions from our group. These results arise from studying three combinations of two-point angular correlation functions (the so-called 3x2pt analysis) involving the distribution of galaxies and the distortions in their images due to weak gravitational lensing, as well as the detection of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) feature. DES will be succeeded by the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time and I will discuss the opportunities for our community in this project.