Reconstructing an Ancient Dwarf Galaxy with Stars and Globular Clusters


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Reconstructing an Ancient Dwarf Galaxy with Stars and Globular Clusters
Guilherme Limberg
Within the hierarchical formation paradigm, galaxies assemble their mass through a succession of merging events. In this seminar, I will discuss how we can reconstruct the properties of disrupted dwarf galaxies from observations of their stars and globular clusters which are now scattered across the Milky Way's halo. I will focus on recent results obtained by the Galactic Archaeology group at IAG regarding the now-destroyed dwarf galaxy responsible for the last major merger experienced by the Milky Way, the so-called Gaia-Sausage/Enceladus. Taking advantage of the powerful combination between astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic data, we investigate (i) the star-formation/chemical evolution history of this system, (ii) its likely connection with the stripped nuclear star cluster ω Centauri, (iii) the age-metallicity relation defined by its globular clusters, and (iv) its contribution to stellar overdensities within the inner Galactic halo.
Guilherme got a bachelor degree in Astronomy at IAG/USP and is now a third year PhD student at the same institution as a member of the Galactic Archaeology group.