Main Belt Comets: A new class of icy asteroids​


Horário de início



Auditório 2, (Rua do Matão, 1226, Cidade Universitária)

Main Belt Comets: A new class of icy asteroids​

Nader Haghighipour (Univ. of Hawaii)

Main-belt comets (MBCs) ​are icy asteroid that reside in the asteroid belt but unlike regular asteroids, they show tails similar to those of comets.​​ Much of interest​ in these objects​ is due to the implication that ​the comet-like ​activity​ of these bodies​ is driven by the sublimation of water-ice presenting ​MBCs​
as probable candidates for the delivery of a significant fraction of Earth’s water. ​I will present a review of the discovery of MBCs and present the model of their origin and formation. I will show that an analysis of the dynamics of these objects points to the in-situ formation of these bodies as the remnants of the break-up of large icy asteroids. I will also present the results of our most recent simulations of the activation of MBCs. I will show how impacts of m-sized objects with km-sized asteroids may excavate subsurface ice and trigger their comet-like tails and activity. Finally, I will discuss the implication of our results for the models of terrestrial planet formation and the origin of Earth's water.