How Stellar characterization Shapes our Knowledge of Giant Planet Formation and our Understanding of the Internal Structure of Rocky Exoplanets


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Auditório 2 - P218 – IAG/USP (Rua do Matão, 1226 - Cidade Universitária)

Dr. Henrique Reggiani

Abstract: Planets and host-stars are intrinsically connected. They are formed from the same molecular cloud, and stellar properties and evolution affect planetary formation and evolution. While giant planet formation and the interpretation of their atmospheric abundances can only be meaningfully interpreted in light of its parent protoplanetary disk (PD) composition, interior models of rocky exoplanets directly depend on the stellar fundamental parameters (mass and radius) and stellar abundance ratios. In this talk, I will exemplify how the precise analysis of planetary hosts are essential for the study of exoplanets. I will present three different examples: a) I will discuss how the analysis of the host star WASP 77 changes the interpretation of the atmospheric abundances of the hot Jupiter WASP 77 A b, published on a Nature paper; b) I will present how an alternative on the analysis of the PD composition for cases when abundances of the host star can’t be measured, as is the case of Beta Pictoris (and beta Pictoris b); c) I will finally discuss how different stellar analyzes influence the calculations of rocky exoplanet’s core mass-fractions (CMFs) through a study of 25 host stars and a reanalysis of their rocky exoplanets. 

Mini-bio: Doutor em Astrofísica pelo Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas da Universidade de São Paulo (IAG-USP). Atualmente é Astrônomo Assistente no Gemini South/NOIRLAB. Tem experiência na área de Astronomia.
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