The SCUBES Project: IFS-like work with S-PLUS


Horário de início



Auditório 2 - P218 – IAG/USP (Rua do Matão, 1226 - Cidade Universitária)

Dr. Roberto Cid Fernandes

Abstract: The S-PLUS survey, with its unique combinations of 7 narrow + 5 broad band filters, allows one to (among many other things!) map stellar populations and nebular emission in nearby galaxies. This in turn allows one to mimick the kind of work done with integral-field-spectroscopy surveys like CALIFA and MaNGA over the past 10 years, but with advantages in terms of angular coverage (much wider than traditional IFUs). The obvious disadvantage is its limited spectral resolution, but simulations and empirical tests show that S-PLUS photometry, processed through our photo-spectral synthesis tools, allows one to recover stellar and emission line properties with remarkable precision.

The SCUBES project aims to: (1) offer tools to extract 12-bands datacubes from the S-PLUS server and an open database of datacubes for nearby galaxies; (2) explore these data to obtain both 2D maps and radial profiles of properties like mean stellar age, surface stellar mass density, dust extinction, emission line fluxes and equivalent widths. This talk reports on the current status of the project, the difficulties faced and strategies to overcome them, as well as some initial astrophysical results.

Mini-bio: Roberto Cid Fernandes possui PhD pelo Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK (1995), Pós-doutorados e estágios sabáticos na UFRGS (1996), Johns Hopkins University (2000, como Gemini fellow) e Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (2011, estágio senior - CAPES). Atualmente é professor associado da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Tem experiência na área de Astronomia, com ênfase em Astrofísica Extragalactica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: galaxias ativas, populações estelares, grandes bases de dados. Desenvolveu o código de síntese espectral STARLIGHT e a base de dados, contendo dados detalhados para 1 milhão de galáxias do SDSS, ferramentas públicas amplamente utilizadas na comunidade internacional. Possui mais de 2 mil citações, e fator H = 27 segundo ISI.
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