Testing Clustering Algorithms to search substructures within clusters
by Daniela E. Olave-Rojas (Universidad de Talca, Chile)
In the context of galaxy evolution, galaxy clusters are the ideal laboratory to study the environmental drivers of galaxy evolution. Besides, according to the hierarchical scenario galaxy clusters continue to grow from the continuous accretion of galaxies in groups, filaments and even other clusters. Thus, the study of galaxy properties beyond the virial radius of clusters is important to study the galaxy evolution and to understand the link between the galaxy evolution and the formation of their hosting structures. However, the first difficulty to overcome in studies of galaxy evolution in clusters is the accurate detection of substructures and infalling groups. In this context, S-PLUS provides us the best opportunity to search for and characterize infalling groups around clusters (up to ~5r200). In this talk we present a test of clustering algorithms to search substructures and characterize the local environment of galaxies to study the pre-processing scenario.
I am a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Talca in Chile. However, when she was a child she wanted to be a language teacher. I studied physics pedagogy because I am a curious person who loves to learn new things. I love learning and teaching new things and I know Chilean Sign Language
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