Capivara Reservoir, SP, 42 Years Of Induced Seismicity

Autor Luis Carlos Ribotta,Luis Carlos Ribotta,Luis Carlos Ribotta,Luis Carlos Ribotta
Autores Ribotta, L.C.

The Capivara Reservoir, (22.66 S and 51.36 W) in the Paranapanema River, SP/PR, covers the Serra Geral basalts and the Bauru sandstones. At its normal operating level the reservoir has 576 km2, 10.5 km3, 85 km of extension and 55 m of maximum depth. It was filled in the first half of 1976. The induced seismicity showed the following characteristics: • no earthquakes were known in the area before the filling; • 3 months after the filling, earthquakes were felt in the vicinity of the Tibagi River mouth (at the towns of Primeiro de Maio, PR, and Iepˆe, SP); • epicenters are distributed in three areas: Iepˆe (large concentration), Primeiro de Maio, Others; • the area of Ibiaci and Cruz´alia had some seismicity for a certain period; • the seismic areas are 40 km from the axis of the dam and not in the deepest part of the lake; • epicenters are mostly outside the reservoir, with some near the margin; • the focal depths reached up to 3 km, with a predominance of depths < 1 km, probably in the basalts or in the immediately underlying sediments; • the earthquakes generally occurred in the form of ”swarms”, with up to 1100 earthquakes in a month; • between 1982 and 1988, according to local residents, small earthquakes continued to occur in the area of Iepˆe; • seismicity showed an expansion towards the West, in the direction of Alvorada do Sul, PR, since 1996; • the area of Primeiro de Maio resumed its seismicity in recent years; • studies conducted between 1991-1995 showed that the distribution of epicenters are consistent with fractures in basaltic and sedimentary rocks; • seismicity continues still today, although there has been a decrease in the number of earthquakes and magnitude. Earthquakes have magnitudes predominantly < 1.5 mR; • the induced seismicity can be classified as being of the combined type, that is, rapid or initial and delayed afterwards.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2019
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal 3º Simpósio Brasileiro de Sismologia
Localidade Publicação Nacional
Volume 1
Página inicial 24
Página final 24
Página web
Anexo Ribotta, L.C., Assumpção, M., Pedreira, P.N., Venciquera, F..pdf