Converted-wave moveout equation analysis

Primeiro Autor Nelson Ricardo Coelho Flores Zuniga
Autores Zuniga, N.R.C.F.

The velocity analysis of a seismic reflection event may be performed using the fitting between the observed curve and the calculated one. The challenge appears when the hyperbolic approximation cannot be used due to some characteristics which make a reflection event nonhyperbolic. To overcome this difficulty, several approximations were proposed. Having the capacity of being as general as possible is very significant to an approximation in order to optimize some steps of seismic processing. Some approximations presented in this work showed to be very stable and brought better results than other known approximations. For this, the approximation which presented the best results in previous works was analyzed aiming to understand its capacity of being more general than the others and its limitations. The complexity of the objective function and its quality of curve fitting for three models which differs from each other only for their stratigraphic characterization were analyzed. The informations so obtained were important to define which kind of stratigraphic characterization (abnormal increase of velocity or abnormal decrease of velocity) generates more influence to the quality of the curve fitting.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2016
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal VII SimBGf
Localidade Publicação Nacional
DOI 10.22564/7simbgf2016.136
Página web
Anexo Zuniga, N.R.C.F.; Molina, E.C., & Prado, R.L..pdf