Fluxo em maciços cristalinos: Caracterização de zonas fraturadas utilizando perfilagem geofísica

Primeiro Autor André C. G. Kowalski
Autores Kowalski, A.C.G.,

Studying fluid flow through crystalline rocks can be complex due to heterogeneity of such media. In this type of formations, water or contaminants are mainly transported through a network of conduits formed by discrete fractured zones. Geophysical well-logging can provide information about physical properties of fractured zones which can be used for better understanding about flow regime through rock mass. This study presents results from resistivity and optical logging at a field test site revealing the importance of geophysical probes in characterizing fractures allowing in and out groundwater flow in the borehole. Statistical data provided by geophysical logs provided estimates of critical fracture length in order to bypass the percolation threshold. For further characterization of the flux network, flowmeter probes could provide valuable information on transmissivity and hydraulic heads for each inflow/outflow zone.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2016
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal VII SimBGf
Localidade Publicação Nacional
DOI 10.22564/7simbgf2016.089
Página web https://sbgf.org.br/mysbgf/eventos/expanded_abstracts/VII_SimBGf/session/GEOF%C3%8DSICA%20RASA/Fluxo%20em%20maci%C3%A7os%20cristalinos%20-%20Caracteriza%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20zonas%20fraturadas%20utilizando%20perfilagem%20geof%C3%ADsica.pdf
Anexo Kowalski, A.C.G..pdf