Lithosphere expression of the boundary between the Amazonian and extra-Amazonian domains of the South American Platform from travel-time seismic tomography.

Primeiro Autor Marcelo P. Rocha
Autores Rocha, M.P.

The South American platform is the stable part of the South American plate, unaffected by the orogenesis of the Andes and the Caribbean. Its basement is composed of Archean and Proterozoic cratonic blocks amalgamated by mobile belts, and can be separated in two large domains or continental masses: 1) The Amazonian, Northwest-west portion, including the Amazonian craton, related to the Laurentia supercontinent; and 2) the extra-Amazonian, Central-southeast or Brasiliano domain, related to West Gondwana, formed of several paleocontinental fragments, where the São Francisco and Rio de La Plata cratons and the Paranapanema block are the largest. It has been suggested that these two domains are separated by the Transbrasiliano Lineament to the south and the Araguaia Fold Belt to the north. Teleseismic P waves from 4,989 earthquakes recorded by 339 stations operated mainly in Brazil in the last 25 years have been used for relative-time tomography. The Amazonian domain is predominantly characterized by higher velocities. The SW (extra-Amazonian) domain is characterized by several blocks with high velocities, such as in and around the Sao Francisco Craton, and the Paranapanema block. Results of P-wave travel time tomography allowed to observe a strong low-velocity anomaly near 100-200 km depth following the Araguaia-Paraguay fold belt. This strong low-velocity anomaly could be considered the limit between these two domains, reaching lithospheric depths, and does not necessarily follow the Transbrasiliano lineament, especially in its southern portion.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2018
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
Localidade Publicação Internacional
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