Macroseismic Intensity Data Online Publisher (MIDOP): Implementation for Brazilian earthquakes.

Primeiro Autor Lúcio Quadros
Autores Quadros, L.

When working with macroseimic intensity data one of the main issues is the lack of a common platform that unifies contributing and searching for this kind of data. It is common that each researcher compiles individually his/her dataset, possibly in different formats, and not always available in digital format. To overcome such issues, the Archive of Historical Earthquake Data (AHEAD) coordinated at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Milano in Italy developed the first dedicated solution to publish macroseismic intensity data on the internet. The AHEAD team created MIDOP, a coding-free approach that allows users to create a secure and lightweight web interface capable of transforming raw macroseismic data tables in interactable intensity maps. That interface allows for easy search, download and upload of macroseismic information, that is accessible to any user on the internet. The Seismology Center of the University of S˜ao Paulo reached out to the team in Italy and to implement MIDOP for use with Brazillian macroseismic data. We already compiled data from several historical earthquakes (most of the main events from the book of Berrocal et al.(1984)) that we plan to make available at the launch of the platform. We hope that MIDOP will allow further collaboration between researchers through standard formats and easy access to macroseismic intensity data in Brazil.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2019
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal 3º Simpósio Brasileiro de Sismologia
Localidade Publicação Nacional
Volume 1
Página inicial 62
Página final 62
Página web
Anexo Quadros, L. & Assumpção, M.(.pdf