Modelagem numérica da formação do Rifte Continental do Sudeste do Brasil

Primeiro Autor Rafael Monteiro
Autores Monteiro, R.

The Continental Rift of Southeastern Brazil is a tectonic feature which expressively influenced the sediment transport pattern in eastern Brazilian divergent margin. The genesis of this rift is quantitatively analyzed taking into account how different stresses sources may have influenced its formation. Using a 2D viscoelastic numerical model we analyse the lithospheric state of stresses due the effects of erosion and sedimentation and show that a large area of the lithosphere are affected by this loading/unloading variation in the topography. The loading due to sedimentation also contribute to increase the non-lithostatic stresses under the area being eroded. Quantitative constrain to geological models of the evolution of southeastern Brazilian continental margin may be obtained which are important for offshore oil exploration analysis.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2016
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal VII SimBGf
Localidade Publicação Nacional
DOI 10.22564/7simbgf2016.068
Página web
Anexo Monteiro, R., & Sacek, V..pdf