Using Converted-wave Moveout Equation to Detect a Sequence of Velocity Inversion.
Primeiro Autor | Nelson Ricardo Coelho Flores Zuniga |
Autores | Zuniga, N.R.C.F. |
Resumo | The layers above a hydrocarbon reservoir can present very idiosyncratic characteristics. One characteristic which can be found is concerning a formation with an abrupt velocity inversion, in other words, a layer with abnormally low P and S wave velocities. As the nonhyperbolic multiparametric approximation proposed by Li and Yuan (2001) suffers to perform the velocity analysis of a model with velocity inversion, it is possible to use this fact to detect in which layer there is a velocity abnormally low. In this work, it was studied a model with two velocity inversions, and it was defined that the more shallow velocity inversion can be clearly detected. However the other, underlying to the first one cannot. |
Programa | Geofísica |
Ano de publicação | 2017 |
Tipo de publicação | Artigo publicado em congresso |
Nome da revista/jornal | First EAGE/ASGA Petroleum Exploration Workshop |
Localidade | Publicação Internacional |
DOI | 10.3997/2214-4609.201702360 |
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