

The Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR) began operating in 2011 with the joint effort of four different institutions: Universities of São Paulo (USP), Brasília (UnB), Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and the National Observatory (ON). Initially funded by Petrobras (Brazilian State Oil Company) in a large‐scale infrastructure project that started in 2009, RSBR is now sponsored by Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM).


This poster was written on behalf of the São Paulo School of Advanced Methane Science, held in Brazil in October 2018. It showcases the most important results obtained until the present moment regarding the first author's MSc. research, which evaluates future effects of climate change on Xingu River's dynamics and socio-environmental impacts caused by the Belo Monte Dam.


The main goal of this paper is to characterize the Coxim earthquake occurred in June 15th, 2009 in the Pant