Interpretação de anomalias magnéticas interferentes: estudo aplicado ao VMS de Brunswick No. 12, Canadá

Primeiro Autor Vanessa Biondo Ribeiro
Autores Ribeiro, V.B.

Brunswick No. 12 is a volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) classified as a world class deposit. Despite its strong magnetic contrast due to high concentration of pyrrotite, the deposit signal is overshadowed by a strong anomaly generated by nearby iron formations. In this work, we isolated the magnetic signature of the Brunswick No. 12 and estimated the 3D magnetic model of the deposit. The apparent magnetization isosurface including areas with anomalous magnetic contrast associated with the deposit was compared and agreed with the geological model previously defined for Brunswick No. 12.

Programa Geofísica
Ano de publicação 2016
Tipo de publicação Artigo publicado em congresso
Nome da revista/jornal VII SimBGf
Localidade Publicação Nacional
DOI 10.22564/7simbgf2016.024
Página web,%20Canad%C3%A1.pdf
Anexo Ribeiro, V.B.; Mantovani, M.S.M. & Louro, V.H.A..pdf