Título Ano de publicação
Medições e estimativas numéricas da irradiância solar descendente em superfície na região Amazônica - estudos de casos em Humaitá, AM 2015
Megacidades e sua interação com o clima global: O exemplo de São Paulo 2015
Mudanças climáticas e impactos na saúde 2015
Detection and Attribution of Observed Impacts 2014
Vehicular Emission Factor of Gases and Particulate Matter Measured in Two Road Tunnels in São Paulo, Brazil 2013
Exchange of Carbon Between the Atmosphere and the Tropical Amazon Rainforest. 2012
Precipitação global, regional e local 2012
Air pollution impact on Asthma and Bronchitis in Porto, Portugal, during 2005 year, 2011. 2011
Sulfur dioxide and sulfate in particulate matter scavenging processes modeling in different localities of Metropolitan Region of São Paulo with different cloud heights. 2011
Synoptic and Mesoscale Processes in the South American Monsoon. 2011
An investigation of variation in vegetation canopy with hemispherical photography and satellite data. 2009
Zona de convergência do Atlântico Sul. 2009
Bloqueios Atmosféricos. 2009
Complexos conectivos de mesoescala na América do Sul. 2009
Jato de baixos níveis ao longo dos Andes. 2009
Measurements of heavy metals in dry and wet deposition in São Paulo city. 2009
Mid-Holocene Climate of Tropical South America: A Model-Data Approach. 2009
Para entender tempo e clima. 2009
Precipitation and temperature trend evaluation in Paraguay using brams model. 2009
Teleconexões e suas influências no Brasil. 2009
Teleconnections into South America from the Tropics and Extratropics on Interannual and Intraseasonal Timescales. 2009
Variabilidade intrassazonal 2009
Climatology and Hydrography of Santos Estuary 2008
Acid Rain in Downtown São Paulo City, Brazil 2007
Caracterização do Clima e sua Evolução na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo 2007
Cardiovascular and respiratory morbidity related to air pollution and meteorological variables in Oporto, Portugal – preliminary results 2007
Component analysis on respiratory disease variability at São Paulo 2007
Evaluation of hydrogen peroxide in rainwater in downtown São Paulo 2007
Inferência de Aerossóis 2007
On the spatiotemporal variability of temperature field 2007