Título Autor Ano de publicação
Fitossociologia de um cerrado denso em área de influência de torre de fluxo de carbono, Pé-de-Gigante, Parque Estadual de Vassununga - SP. LATANSIO-AIDAR, S.R. 2010
Hydrometeor and latent heat profiles of tropical cyclones Conson, Ivan and Catarina using PR/TRMM data Rosa, Marcelo Barbio 2010
Potential health impact of ultrafine particles under clean and polluted urban atmospheric conditions: a model-based study Martins, Leila Droprinchinski 2010
Modeling study of the aspect ratio influence on urban canopy energy fluxes with a modified wall-canyon energy budget scheme Marciotto, Edson R. 2010
Climatological features of cutoff low systems in the Southern Hemisphere Reboita, Michelle Simões 2010
A Lagrangian Identification of the Main Sources of Moisture Affecting Northeastern Brazil during Its Pre-Rainy and Rainy Seasons Drumond, Anita 2010
Sources and properties of Amazonian aerosol particles Martin, Scot T. 2010
Estimativa da probabilidade do evento extremo de precipitação de janeiro de 2000 no Vale do Paraíba, baseada na distribuição generalizada de pareto Sugahara, Shigetoshi 2010
The energy and water balance of a Eucalyptus plantation in southeast Brazil Cabral, Osvaldo M.R. 2010
Observational Characterization of the Downward Atmospheric Longwave Radiation at the Surface in the City of São Paulo BÁRBARO, EDUARDO WILDE 2010
An assessment of the latent and sensible heat flux on the simulated regional climate over Southwestern South Atlantic Ocean Reboita, Michelle Simões 2010
Characterization of Metal and Trace Element Contents of Particulate Matter (PM10) Emitted by Vehicles Running on Brazilian Fuels—Hydrated Ethanol and Gasoline with 22% of Anhydrous Ethanol Ferreira da Silva, Moacir 2010
South Atlantic Ocean cyclogenesis climatology simulated by regional climate model (RegCM3). REBOITA, MICHELLE SIMÕES 2010
Impactos atmosféricos das transformações territoriais e do crescimento do agronegócio na Amazônia matogrossense. CAVACCHIOLI, A. 2010
Atmospheric versus vegetation controls of Amazonian tropical rain forest evapotranspiration: Are the wet and seasonally dry rain forests any different? Costa, Marcos H. 2010
The role of convective parameterization in the simulation of a cyclone over the South Atlantic. DA ROCHA, ROSMERI PORFÍRIO 2010
Future change of climate in South America in the late XXI Century: Intercomparison of scenarios from three regional climate models. MARENGO, J. 2010
Two case studies of sulfate scavenging processes in the Amazon region (Rondônia). SILVA, M. P. R. 2009
Patterns of water and heat flux across a biome gradient from tropical Forest to savanna in Brazil. ROCHA, HUMBERTO R. 2009
Influência dos fluxos de superfície no desenvolvimento de ciclones extratropicais sobre o Atlântico. GOZZO, LUIZ FELIPPE 2009
An improved estimate of leaf área índex based on the histogram analysis of hemispherical photographs. NEGRON JUÁREZ, R. I. 2009
Estudo da relação entre ozônio e parâmetros meteorológicos na atmosfera de São Paulo. GALICHIO, WAGNER 2009
Multivariate analysis ofthe energy cycle of the South American rainy season. GUTIERREZ, ENVER RAMIREZ 2009
Weekend/Weekday diffferences in concentrations of ozone, NOx, and non-methane hydrocarbon in the metropolitan area of São Paulo. SILVA JUNIOR, ROSIBERTO SALUSTIANO 2009
Tendências da temperatura máxima de inverno no estado de São Paulo e sua relação com a estiagem. CESTARO, BRUNO PARALUPPI 2009
Propagação das ondas de rossby nos inversnos de máxima freqüência de ocorrência de geadas na pampa úmida MULLER, GABRIELA V. 2009
The impact of smoke from forest fires on the spectral dispersion of cloud droplet size distributions in the Amazonian region. MARTINS, JORGE ALBERTO 2009
Distribuição de tamanho do material particulado na atmosfera de São Paulo no final do inverno de 2008. MAZZOLI, CAROLINE R. 2009
Climate perspective on the large-scale circulation associated with the transition of the first South Atlantic hurricane PEZZA, ALEXANDRE BERNARDES 2009
Avaliação de metais traços e íons majoritários em águas de chuva na cidade de São Paulo. FONTENELE, ANA PAULA GODOY 2009
Origin of convectively coupled Kelvia Waves over south America. LIEBMANN, B. 2009
Aspectos observacionais da ilha de calor em Santiago do Chile. Aspectos observacionais da ilha de calor em Santiago do Chile. GUERRERO, VIVIANA URBINA 2009
Modeling hourly and daily fractions of UV, PAR and NIR to global solar radiation under various sky conditions at Botucatu, Brazil. ESCOBEDO, JOÃO FRANCISCO 2009
The coupled aerosol and tracer transport model to the Brazilian developments on the regional atmospheric modeling system (CATT-BRAMS) – Part 1: Model description and evaluation. FREITAS, S. R. 2009
Fine particulate emission sources identification in the atmosphere of São Paulo. OYAMA, BEATRIZ SAYURI 2009
Assessing the diurnal evolution of surface radiation balance over the western region of Tropical Atlantic Ocean using in situ measurements carried out during the FluTuA Project. BACELLAR, SARASVATI 2009
Avaliação do potencial do impacto das emissões industriais nas concentrações de ozônio simuladas pelo modelo SPM-BRAMS sobre a Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. CARVALHO, VANESSA S. B. 2009
Non-stationary frequency analysis of extreme daily rainfall in Sao Paulo, Brazil. SUGAHARA, SHIGETOSHI 2009
Controle de qualidade dos dados de radar polarimétrico por meio da auto consistência. FERREIRA, ANGÉLICA TAVARES 2009
Intraseasonal and interannual variability of extreme dry and wet events over southeastern south America and the subtropical Atlantic during Austral summer. MUZA, M. N. 2009
Análise dos esquemas de superfície do modelo WRF: Um estudo de caso para a Floresta Tropical Amazônica. LLOPART, MARTA 2009
Relationship between cloud-to-ground discharge and penetrative clouds: A multi-channel satellite application. MACHADO, L. A. T. 2009
Impact of biomass burning aerosol on the monsoon circulation transition over Amazonia. ZHANG, Y. 2009
Validation of a statistic algorithm applied to les model - part 1: first and second order statistics. BÁRBARO, EDUARDO WILDE 2009
Modelo OLAM (Ocean-Land-Atmosphere-Model): descrição, aplicações e perspectivas SILVA, RENATO RAMOS 2009
Cloud condensation nuclei from biomass burning during the Amazonian dry-to-wet transition season. MARTINS, JORGE ALBERTO 2009
IPCC global coupled model simulations of the south America monsoon system. BOMBARDI, RODRIGO 2009
Evaluation of thermal simulation of households in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil. NEDEL, A.S. 2009
Análise Multivariada do Processo de Evapotranspiração em Áreas de Cerrado e Cana-de-Açucar RUHOFF, ANDERSON LUIS 2009
Relationships between the southern annular mode and southern hemisphere atmospheric systems. REBOITA, MICHELLE SIMÕES 2009