

From the perspective of the radiated seismic energy from large earthquakes, we produce a robust highfrequency energy growth-rate discriminant for earthquakes that feature enhanced tsunami potential, using information gathered during only the initial P-wave arrival at teleseismic stations. We apply this to global earthquakes with moment magnitudes larger than 7 between 2000 and 2018, to identify that the scaling of high-frequency energy release rate directly relates to the total radiated broadband seismic energy for most events.


Ray theory, a high-frequency approximation to describe wave propagation, has been a cornerstone in seismology for over a hundred years. Despite its simplicity and wide range of applications, some limitations combined with the everincreasing computational power motivated the development of finite-frequency theory, a better model to describe how the Earth’s inner structure affects seismic waves. Finite-frequency theory has matured a lot in the last decades, and it is now widely applied in many geophysical problems.


Seismotectonic zoning provides subsidies for environmental, hydrogeological, hydrological, geotechnical (safety of civil works) studies and the exploration of some mineral deposits. The large territory, amongst the complex geology and reduced number of installed stations in the Pantanal Sedimentary Basin are the main elements/conditions that increase the inaccuracy of the locations of earthquakes that have occurred in the area.


The Pantanal is a tectonically active sedimentary basin of quaternary age, located in the Upper Paraguay Basin (BAP), located in the Center-West region of Brazil. The basin is considered to be one of the seismic regions of Brazil, where there are significant records of earthquakes due to faults of reverse type, transcurrent (transverse) component with focal depth in the order of 5 km.