

A Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis was carried out for a site near Cubat˜ao (SP), in the Serra do Mar ranges.


Seismic anisotropy beneath stable continental regions yields important information on their tectonic history and patterns of upper mantle flow, in a way not achieved by other methods. We investigate the uppermantle seismic anisotropy beneath South America using a suite of complementary data and models, including shear wave splitting (SWS) and the isotropic and azimuthally anisotropic shear-velocity distributions in the upper mantle from waveform tomography. Previous studies of SWS in South America concentrated mainly along the Andes and in southeast Brazil.


A transição Ediacarano-Cambriano registra uma expansão de ambientes marinhos rasos que serviram de refúgio para o surgimento dos primeiros metazoários macroscópicos e dotados da capacidade de produzir um exoesqueleto biomineralizado. O advento da capacidade de biomineralização introduziu significativas mudanças nas relações ecológicas com o substrato e entre os espécimes. Desvendar os ambientes deposicionais presentes durante o final do Ediacarano é crucial para entender as condições e possíveis vínculos entre as mudanças paleoambientais e o surgimento da vida complexa.


The Corumbá Group is a Neoproterozoic succession of terrigenous and carbonate sedimentary rocks located at the southern Paraguay Belt, central Brazil. The upper units of the Corumbá Group include the Ediacaran carbonate Bocaina and Tamengo formations, whose limit is characterized by polymictic breccias recognized in several sites from Corumbá to Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul.