

A reconstrução dos ambientes sedimentares marinhos no Ediacarano é um desafio quando se estudam bacias intracratônicas que são frequentemente restritas e mostram sinais geoquímicos e isotópicos locais ou regionais. Este é o caso do Grupo Bambuí, uma sucessão carbonáticasiliciclástica associada a uma bacia tipo foreland no centroleste do Brasil, representando uma transgressão marinha sobre o Cráton do São Francisco, na parte interna da Gondwana Ocidental durante o final do Neoproterozoico e início do Cambriano (Bacia do São Francisco).


Shallow Geophysics methods are applied in Forensic Science aiming to help locating and mapping hidden objects or even corpses covered by soil. Some geophysical methods have been successfully applied, e.g. DC Resistivity and Ground Penetrating Radar. However, sometimes there is a lack of knowledge about the geophysical response for forensic applications. An example is the detectability of buried corpse according to its degree of decomposition.


This paper presents the results of the application of geophysical surveys to update the morphological model of a limestone and gneiss deposit of a mining company near the city of Taubaté, Brazil. The research began with a test to verify the accuracy of the geophysical survey method and it was conducted in the same area as a previous drilling campaign with the aim of confirming the possibility of using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and induced polarization (IP) methods, in order to obtain the required information for the deposit morphological modeling.