


QueRaios poster and abstract presented on AAGG 2017 Meeting held in La Plata, Argentina. QueRaios is a project to develop a ray cross quality indicator (RCI) for evaluating ANT maps. The code reads a 4 column file with coordinates (lon, lat, lon, lat) of pair of stations that were used to perform ANT. It computes the RCI indicator for the pairs and plots a Qc map.


Measurements of low-field, frequency dependent susceptibility (FDS) is frequently used in paleomagnetism, geological and environmental studies, as a parameter indicative of the concentration of magnetic minerals in rocks and sediments.


Speleothems can potentially record a nearly continuous record of environmental conditions in the form of chemical and isotopic variations. 


USP Seismological Center developed a protocol for quality control (QC) of seismological data and stations operation status ensuring adequate performance of sensors and the best and most complete data archive. A set of variables acquired depending on the instruments used (Nanometrics, Guralp, Reftek on Knemetrics), are weekly monitored. Variables are chosen to guarantee the maximum uptime of stations, ensure the correct station configuration and optimization of onsite maintenance.


The objective of this work was to analyze seismograms recorded by the seismographic station of Chapad˜ao do Sul – MS (C2SB), corresponding to the period from 06/08/2012 to 12/31/2014, aiming at the quality control of the events reported globally (catalog of earthquakes located by the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) – USGS), recorded at the station and those actually confirmed after user analysis, considering teleseisms (> 1000 km), regional (101-1000 km) and local earthquakes (up to 100 km).


Brazilian seismographic network (RSBR) is a well established distributed seismic network with one central archive (National Observatory/ON) and satellites archives in each node. Each node has its own procedure to acquire data that results in different data archives for the same data span and station. Real-time data is sometimes lost on the original node and can be found on a satellite node, the other way around is also true. This could indicate that SeedLink along with its archive tool is not guaranteeing data integrity.