Dissertation defense
Student: Murilo Reis Brito
Program: Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Astronomia
Title: “Spectroscopy And Its Multidisciplinary Applications In High School: A Didactic And Practical Study”
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Augusto Damineli Neto - IAG-USP
Judging Committee
Committee's President: Prof. Dr. Augusto Damineli Neto – IAG/USP- by video
- Profa. Dra. Elysandra Figueredo Cypriano - IAG/USP- by video
- Profa. Dra. Tatiane Peixoto Isaia – UFSM - by video
- Prof. Dr. Francesco Lanciotti Junior - UFSB - by video
Abstract: This dissertation proposes the development of an educational product consisting of three didactic sequences focused on teaching spectroscopy in the second year of high school. The main goal is to provide students with a deep understanding of concepts related to the spectral analysis of light by utilizing a combination of theoretical and practical approaches. The sequences are designed to be applied in Physics classes and include practical experiments that allow for the analysis of different light sources, as well as exploring the applications of spectroscopy in multidisciplinary areas such as astronomy, industry, pharmacology, and agronomy. Each didactic sequence aims to stimulate investigative and active learning, enabling students to build knowledge through experimentation and critical analysis. Additionally, the educational product intends to integrate scientific concepts with their applications in society, highlighting the relevance of spectroscopy in the development of new technologies and in solving real-world problems across different sectors. It is expected that the implementation of this proposal will significantly enhance students' understanding of spectroscopy, while also fostering greater interest in natural sciences and their multiple interfaces with the contemporary world. Although the proposal has not yet been executed, this work is based on theoretical studies and the analysis of similar proposals, suggesting that the applied methodology will be effective in improving Physics education.
Keywords: Spectroscopy, Didactic Sequence, Scientific Education, Multidisciplinarity