Public tender - Faculty: Admission for the positions of Professor Doutor and Professor Titular at USP occurs through public tender. New openings must be approved by the Institute's Academic Board, and the Call for the position is published at Diário Oficial do Estado (São Paulo State Official Gazette). Applications must be submitted through USP's GR system.
Hiring process - Temporary teaching positions: For teaching positions with pre-determined duration, applicants are reviewed through a hiring process. The Call for the temporary position is published at Diário Oficial do Estado (São Paulo State Official Gazette). Applications must be submitted through USP's GR system.
Hirees work under a temporary contract for 12 hours per week, with duration that may be extended up to two years. The categories for temporary teaching positions are:
- Professor Contratado I (Auxiliar de Ensino): requirement: Bachelor's degree;
- Professor Contratado II (Assistente): requirement: Master's degree;
- Professor Contratado III (Professor Doutor): requirement: PhD degree.
Livre Docência: This is a title (similar to Habilitation) awarded by Brazilian HEIs, through an examination by a panel of experts. USP's Livre Docência exams allow applications by its faculty members and by external scientists.
At IAG, a Call for Livre Docência is aproved by the Academic Board every semester, and published at Diário Oficial do Estado (São Paulo State Official Gazette). Applications must be submitted through USP's GR system. The process follows IAG's Regulations - Título V - Seção IV. USP faculty members who are approved in this examination are promoted to the rank of Professor Associado (similar to Associate Professor).
Concursos para docentes
Concurso para Professor Titular IAG
Aguardando Abertura de Inscrições
Período da inscrição:
Concurso para Professor Titular IAG
Aguardando Abertura de Inscrições
Período da inscrição:
Concurso para Professor Doutor IAG - Ecossistemas Galácticos
Em Progresso
Período da inscrição:
Concurso para Livre Docente IAG
Astronomia, Ciências Atmosféricas, Geofísica
Período da inscrição:
Concurso para Professor Doutor IAG - Astrofísica ligada a grandes projetos
Em Progresso
Período da inscrição:
Concurso para Professor Doutor IAG - Hidrogeofísica
Período da inscrição: