The Department of Astronomy at IAG/USP is a reference in Fundamental Astronomy, Dynamic Astronomy, Solar System Physics, Stellar Astrophysics, Interstellar Medium, Extragalactic Astronomy, and Cosmology. In termos of education, Department of Astronomy offers a Bachelor's degree in Astronomy, a Graduate Program in Astronomy, and a Professional Master's Degreee in Astronomy Education.
The structure of the Department of Astronomy includes modern laboratories for Astroinformatics, Optics, and Electronics, as well as the Remote Observation Room for the SOAR Telescope. Researchers in the Department are also involved in major international collaborations such as the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT), the Large Latin American Millimeter Array (LLAMA), and the CTA Mini-Array.
The Department of Astronomy also has a strong presence in scientific outreach, with university extension courses and participation in projects aimed at Basic Education.
Bachelor's Degree in Astronomy
The astronomer is a professional who applies knowledge of Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry to observe, analyze data and develop models about the behaviors of celestial bodies.
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Graduate Program in Astronomy
The Graduate Program in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of São Paulo (IAG/USP) was established in 1973 and has been responsible for training the majority of astronomy professionals in the country.
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Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Astronomia
O MPEA pretende contribuir na formação de professores multiplicadores e difusores dos conhecimentos envolvendo as áreas de Astronomia e Cosmologia.
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Research at the Department of Astronomy

Extension at the Department of Astronomy

International Mobility
Thesis defense: EBe star demographycs: a comprehensive study of thousands of lightcurves in the Magellanic Clouds
Horário: 09:00
Local: Auditório 1 "Kenkichi Fujimori" (P217) – IAG/USP (Rua do Matão, 1226 - Cidade Universitária)
Saiba maisDissertation defense: Characterization of the open cluster NGC2645: near-infrared mapping
Horário: 09:00
Local: Auditório 1 "Kenkichi Fujimori" (P217) – IAG/USP (Rua do Matão, 1226 - Cidade Universitária)
Saiba maisDissertation defense: Interaction between winds from young stars and planetary magnetospheres
Horário: 09:00
Local: Auditório 1 "Kenkichi Fujimori" (P217) – IAG/USP (Rua do Matão, 1226 - Cidade Universitária)
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