Graduate Program in Astronomy

The Graduate Program in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of São Paulo (IAG/USP) was established in 1973. One of the first of its kind in the country, it resulted from an initiative by a group of Brazilian researchers who had recently completed their studies abroad. Traditionally, the program has the largest number of students (approximately 60) in Brazil and advisors (approximately 30), and has been responsible for training most astronomy professionals in Brazil.
Integrated into the academic environment of USP, the program accepts graduate students from the Institutes of Physics and Mathematics, with which it shares experiences in the management of teaching and research.

CAPES evaluation



Master, PhD, Direct PhD

Admission to the Graduate Program in Astronomy

Mão segurando uma caneta sobre uma mesa com papeis, cadernos e xícara de café (foto: Green Chameleon/Unsplash)
Mão segurando uma caneta sobre uma mesa com papeis, cadernos e xícara de café (foto: Green Chameleon/Unsplash)

Admission to the Graduate Program in Astronomy

Admission to the Graduate Program in Astronomy at IAG/USP takes place through a selection process governed by a public notice prepared by the CCP (Program Coordinating Committee) and published in the Official Gazette of the State of São Paulo and on the program's website. The registration and submission of mandatory documents are done through the program’s system – SIAD.

Graduate Students


Teaching and Courses

Each course taken in the Graduate Program corresponds to a certain number of credits, which are added to the student's record once they are considered approved.

Cluster de galáxias Abell 2218 (crédito: NASA e ESA)

Qualifying Exam

The Qualification Exam is required in Doctoral and Direct Doctoral programs, according to the current regulations.

Carina Nebula em imagem do JWST (crédito: NASA, ESA, CSA e STScI)

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Após ingressar no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Astronomia, o aluno pode postular uma bolsa de estudo de basicamente três agências oficiais distintas: FAPESP, CNPq e CAPES.


Dissertation Defense: Stellar atmospheric parameters for the Panchromatic Stellar Atlas (PaStA)

Student Morgan Sabino Camargo Program: Astronomia Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ramachrisna Teixeira

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Dissertation Defense: “Matéria escura e luminosa de lentes gravitacionais galácticas”

Ingrid dos Santos Beloto Latini Program: Astronomy Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Serra Cypriano - IAG/USP

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