Evolution in the Total Number of Titles Awarded: 1977 - 2023
Number of Foreign Graduates: 1974 - 2023
Destinations of Master's Graduates Until 2023
Destino dos doutores titulados até 2023:
Source: Sistema Janus
The Graduate Program in Geophysics at IAG/USP has always stood out for the quality of research by students and advisors, recognized both in Brazil and abroad. In recent years, students from the program have been awarded the CAPES Thesis Prize in the field of Geosciences (2008 and 2011) or received Honorable Mentions in the same award (2006, 2012, and 2013), the USP Thesis Prize (2011) and Honorable Mention at USP (2014), and the Garcia-Sineriz Prize (2012) for Best Thesis in Iberian Countries. The works resulting from theses and dissertations have also been awarded at international scientific events (American Geophysical Union, IAGA, Latinmag) or highlighted in important scientific editorial boards (Elsevier, Nature Magazine, American Geophysical Union).
The quality of research brings PhD students from abroad to complement their research at IAG-USP through co-supervision programs. Since 2013, two international PhD students (from France and Australia) have obtained double degrees. Most of our PhD students, and some Master's students, complete internships abroad (USA, France, England, Australia, etc.).
Over decades, the solid training of our doctors has resulted in the establishment of Geophysics research groups in various national universities. Among the alumni tracked since 2000, 80% are active in academia. The program is distinguished in both national and international scientific training, with alumni working in major universities and national research institutes. Additionally, there is a considerable number of alumni working in foreign institutions.