Research Areas
In the Graduate Program in Meteorology at IAG/USP, research is conducted in the following areas:
Dynamics and diagnostic studies of large and mesoscale interactions, including numerical modeling of weather and climate;
Remote sensing of the atmosphere through the use of radar and meteorological satellites to study precipitation and the radiative properties of the atmosphere;
Remote sensing applied to the bioclimatic monitoring of agricultural production and natural resources;
Atmospheric pollution: physics of atmospheric aerosols, identification of sources, and dry and wet removal processes;
Micrometeorology, dynamics of the planetary boundary layer, numerical modeling of atmospheric turbulence, and applications to atmospheric pollutant dispersion;
Atmospheric radiation, theoretical calculations, and experimental determination of radiation balance components, the impact of aerosol and water vapor.
Learn more by exploring the Program's research lines and its researchers.
1. Micrometeorology
This research line involves the study of meteorological phenomena at micro and mesoscale applied to the environmental impact assessment of anthropogenic sources. It also includes observational research on turbulent exchange processes in the atmosphere and ocean affecting the planetary boundary layer. At the Micrometeorology Laboratory, research involves studying the Dynamics of the Planetary Boundary Layer, numerical modeling of atmospheric turbulence, and applications to atmospheric pollutant dispersion. Most studies involve data collection through a micrometeorological platform, which includes continuous measurements of global, direct, and diffuse solar radiation (since 1994) and long-wave radiation (since 1997). This line also includes the Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory, where observational and numerical studies are carried out on physical phenomena related to the transfer of energy, mass, and momentum between different surfaces (ice, water, and land) and the atmosphere.
Researchers: Amauri Pereira de Oliveira and Jacyra Ramos Soares
2. Weather and Climate Studies and Applications
This is one of the most comprehensive research lines in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. It involves observational studies and numerical simulations of atmospheric phenomena from small spatial scales to global scales and different spatial scales (from hours to paleoclimatic). The interrelation between different scales is also a research objective in this line. In climate studies, the focus is on improving and adapting regional climate models (with an emphasis on the State of São Paulo) that are used not only for regional climate forecasting but also for scientific studies. Weather applications involve the use of various remote sensing products (satellite, radar, sodar) and the development of mesoscale and oceanic numerical models applied to the various research lines developed in the department.
Researchers: Carlos Frederico Mendonça Raupp, Maria Assunção Faus da Silva Dias, Pedro Leite da Silva Dias, Tércio Ambrizzi, Edmilson Dias de Freitas, Augusto José Pereira Filho, Rosmeri Porfírio da Rocha, Ricardo de Camargo, and Amauri Pereira de Oliveira
3. Atmosphere - Biosphere - Ocean Interaction
This research line focuses on multidisciplinary investigations in various complementary areas, such as climatology, micrometeorology, and hydrology. The topics address the understanding of microclimate patterns and heat, water, and carbon fluxes with the atmosphere in various environments and ecosystems. The emphasis is on understanding physical mechanisms, predictability, and the impact of climate variability and synoptic events. For example, field measurements and modeling studies are conducted in Brazil's main ecosystems, such as the Amazon rainforest, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and urban and agricultural areas. Statistical models and physical models with parameterizations of heat, water, and carbon transfer processes are used. Soil-surface-atmosphere interaction models, rainfall-runoff hydrological models, and others are also applied.
Researchers: Maria Assunção Faus da Silva Dias, Pedro Leite da Silva Dias, Tércio Ambrizzi, Márcia Akemi Yamasoe, Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha, Ricardo de Camargo, Edmilson Dias de Freitas, and Fábio Luiz Teixeira Gonçalves
4. Atmospheric Pollution
This research line integrates projects aimed at investigating the processes of formation, transport, and removal of atmospheric constituents in urban and rural tropical areas. The projects focus on the following topics: physical and chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols; chemical characterization of wet deposition (rainwater); modeling of particulate material and gas removal processes; evaluation of dry and wet deposition processes; modeling the dispersion and formation of atmospheric pollutants – photochemical smog; sampling and analysis of atmospheric chemical composition (hydrocarbons, C2-C11); quantification and classification of bioaerosols; biometeorology.
Researchers: Maria de Fátima Andrade, Adalgiza Fornaro, Pedro Leite da Silva Dias, Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha, Fábio Luiz Teixeira Gonçalves, Edmilson Dias de Freitas, and Ricardo de Camargo
5. Physics of Atmospheric Processes and Applications
This research line studies the theoretical fundamentals of thermodynamic and microphysical cloud processes, storm electrification, and radiative transfer processes in the atmosphere. Based on theoretical knowledge, algorithms are used or improved to infer properties of rain and hydrometeors, optical properties of aerosols, and water vapor content in the atmosphere. In addition to the use of algorithms, observations from satellites, radar, and radiometers in different spectral regions are analyzed. The goal is to contribute to better describing 1) aerosol effects on weather and climate, 2) components of the radiation balance, and 3) the hydrological cycle.
Researchers: Carlos Augusto Morales Rodriguez, Maria de Fátima Andrade, Márcia Akemi Yamasoe, Rachel Albrecht, Ricardo Hallak.
6. Hydrometeorology
This research line focuses on the continuous development of hydrometeorological forecasting systems with applications in water resource systems, hydrology, electricity generation, transmission and distribution, urban and rural environments, civil defense, and more. These systems require research and development in atmospheric and surface numerical modeling that integrates the surface and atmospheric phases of the hydrological cycle to produce better forecasts. Key applied and basic research is conducted using surface and altitude measurement systems, remote sensing with weather radar, profilers, and environmental satellites, diagnostic and prognostic studies of atmospheric and surface processes based on numerical modeling and parameterizations when the spatiotemporal scales of these processes are not directly resolved or measured. The development of numerical and conceptual models is also included.
Researchers: Augusto José Pereira Filho and Ricardo Hallak