Título Autor Ano de publicação
Relaxed and unrelaxed clusters of galaxies seen in X-rays Durret, F. 2006
Density, Temperature and Dark Matter Profiles in Clusters of Galaxies Lima Neto, G. B. 2006
Chemical Composition of Planetary Nebulae: The Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds Maciel, W.J. 2006
Evidence for rotation-induced mixing in evolved intermediate mass stars Smiljanic, R. 2006
The dynamical state of massive galaxy clusters Cypriano, E.S. 2006
Abundance of heavy elements in extremely metal-poor stars François, P. 2006
The Seismology programme of CoRoT Auvergne,M. 2006
A Model for the Inner Engine of Gamma Ray Bursts Lugones, G. 2006
Intra-group Light in Hickson Compact Groups da Rocha, C. 2006
Abundance variations in the galactic disk: planetary nebulae, open clusters and field stars Maciel, W.J. 2006
Metallicity vs. Be phenomenon relation in the solar neighborhood Levenhagen, R.S. 2006
The evolution of galaxies in compact and fossil groups Mendes de Oliveira, C. 2006
Radial abundance gradients as observational constraints of galactic evolution: planetary nebulae and other objects Maciel, W.J. 2006
Evolution of the circumstellar disc of alpha Eri Vinicius, M.M.F. 2006
Some open questions in the dynamics of extrasolar planetary systems Ferraz-Mello, S. 2006
Tomographic Simulations of Accretion Disks in Cataclysmic Variables. Flickering and Wind Ribeiro, F.M.A. 2006
Polarimetry and the Envelopes of Magellanic B[e] Supergiants Magalhães, A. M. 2006
An XMM-Newton View on Relaxed and Non-Relaxed Clusters of Galaxies Durret, F. 2006
Stellar populations in elliptical galaxies of compact groups de la Rosa, I.G. 2006
A study of gas productivity of Comet 103P/Hartley 2 Boice, Daniel
Curvature of galaxy brightness profiles Lucatelli, Geferson
Phosphorus in cometary volatiles Boice, Daniel
Classification and photometric redshift estimation of quasars in photometric surveys Izuti Nakazono