Abundance Patterns of α and Neutron-capture Elements in the Helmi Stream |
Limberg, Guilherme |
2021 |
An environmental dependence of the physical and structural properties in the Hydra cluster galaxies |
Lima-Dias, Ciria |
2021 |
Anisotropic dark matter stars |
Moraes, P. H. R. S. |
2021 |
APOGEE discovery of a chemically atypical star disrupted from NGC 6723 and captured by the Milky Way bulge |
Fernández-Trincado, José G. |
2021 |
APOGEE spectroscopic evidence for chemical anomalies in dwarf galaxies: The case of M 54 and Sagittarius |
Fernández-Trincado, José G. |
2021 |
APOGEE-2 Discovery of a Large Population of Relatively High-metallicity Globular Cluster Debris |
Fernández-Trincado, José G. |
2021 |
As Características Dos Textos De Divulgação Científica Que Promovem O Interesse Pela Ciência Em Um Público Infantojuvenil |
Alexsandro I. Sunaga |
2021 |
Blazar OJ 287 after First VHE Activity: Tracking the Reemergence of the HBL-like Component in 2020 |
Kushwaha, Pankaj |
2021 |
Breaking the Degeneracy in Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable X-Ray Spectral Modeling Using X-Ray Light Curves |
Belloni, Diogo |
2021 |
Canis Major OB1 stellar group contents revealed by Gaia |
Santos-Silva, T. |
2021 |
CAPOS: The bulge Cluster APOgee Survey. I. Overview and initial ASPCAP results |
Geisler, D. |
2021 |
CAPOS: The bulge Cluster APOgee Survey. II. The intriguing "Sequoia" globular cluster FSR 1758 |
Romero-Colmenares, María |
2021 |
Characterization of V-type asteroids orbiting in the middle and outer main belt |
Migliorini, Alessandra |
2021 |
Chemical abundances in Seyfert galaxies - VII. Direct abundance determination of neon based on optical and infrared emission lines |
Armah, Mark |
2021 |
Chemical evidence for planetary ingestion in a quarter of Sun-like stars |
Spina, Lorenzo |
2021 |
Chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge as traced by microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars. VIII. Carbon and oxygen |
Bensby, T. |
2021 |
CODEX weak lensing mass catalogue and implications on the mass-richness relation |
Kiiveri, K. |
2021 |
Comparing the spatial and kinematic distribution of gas and young stars around the shell-like structure in the CMa OB1 |
Gregorio-Hetem, J. |
2021 |
Cosmic "adiabatic" photon creation: Temperature law and blackbody spectrum |
Lima, J. A. S. |
2021 |
Creep tide model for the three-body problem. The rotational evolution of a circumbinary planet |
Zoppetti, F. A. |
2021 |
Deep Learning assessment of galaxy morphology in S-PLUS Data Release 1 |
Bom, C. R.,Bom, C. R. |
2021 |
Diffusion of large-scale magnetic fields by reconnection in MHD turbulence |
Santos-Lima, R.,Santos-Lima, R. |
2021 |
Do dense molecular cores with broad emission spectra at |l| ≍ 5.4°, |b| ≍ 0.4° trace the Galactic bar? A multimolecular line study from HOPS |
Akhter, Shaila,Akhter, Shaila |
2021 |
Dynamically Tagged Groups of Very Metal-poor Halo Stars from the HK and Hamburg/ESO Surveys |
Limberg, Guilherme |
2021 |
Dynamics of the spiral-arm corotation and its observable footprints in the Solar Neighborhood |
Barros, Douglas A.,Barros, Douglas A. |
2021 |
Erratum: Characterization of V-type asteroids orbiting in the middle and outer main belt |
Migliorini, Alessandra |
2021 |
Eta Carinae: A Tale of Two Periastron Passages |
Gull, Theodore R. |
2021 |
Evidence of Rocky Planet Engulfment in the Wide Binary System HIP 71726/HIP 71737 |
Galarza, Jhon Yana |
2021 |
Explosive nucleosynthesis of a metal-deficient star as the source of a distinct odd-even effect in the solar twin HIP 11915 |
Yana Galarza, Jhon |
2021 |
Fast Magnetic Reconnection Structures in Poynting Flux-dominated Jets |
Kadowaki, Luis H. S.,Kadowaki, Luis H. S. |
2021 |
Fermi LAT Collaboration. Fermi-LAT Observations of Sagittarius A*: Imaging Analysis |
Cafardo, Fabio |
2021 |
Gaia Early Data Release 3. Acceleration of the Solar System from Gaia astrometry |
Gaia Collaboration ,Gaia Collaboration |
2021 |
Gaia Early Data Release 3. Structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds |
Gaia Collaboration |
2021 |
Gaia Early Data Release 3. Summary of the contents and survey properties |
Gaia Collaboration |
2021 |
Gaia Early Data Release 3. Summary of the contents and survey properties (Corrigendum) |
Gaia Collaboration |
2021 |
Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars |
Gaia Collaboration |
2021 |
Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Galactic anticentre |
Gaia Collaboration |
2021 |
Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 Gravitational Lens Systems. VI. Spectroscopic Confirmation and Modeling of Quadruply Imaged Lensed Quasars |
Stern, D. |
2021 |
Galaxies within galaxies in the TIMER survey: stellar populations of inner bars are scaled replicas of main bars |
Bittner, Adrian |
2021 |
Gemini/Phoenix H-band analysis of the globular cluster AL 3 |
Barbuy, B. |
2021 |
HCN/HNC chemistry in shocks: a study of L1157-B1 with ASAI |
Lefloch, B. |
2021 |
HD 183579b: a warm sub-Neptune transiting a solar twin detected by TESS |
Gan, Tianjun |
2021 |
High-energy neutrino production in clusters of galaxies |
Hussain, Saqib ,Hussain, Saqib ,S. Hussain |
2021 |
HR-PYPOPSTAR: high-wavelength-resolution stellar populations evolutionary synthesis model. |
Millán-Irigoyen, I. |
2021 |
Identifying Radio-active Galactic Nuclei among Radio-emitting Galaxies |
Kozieł-Wierzbowska, D. |
2021 |
Araujo, J. L. |
2021 |
Induced equation of state for the universe epochs constrained by the hubble parameter |
2021 |
Influence of a galactic gamma ray burst on ocean plankton |
Rodríguez-López, Lien |
2021 |
Influence of equilibrium tides on transit-timing variations of close-in super-Earths. I. Application to single-planet systems and the case of K2-265 b |
Gomes, Gabriel de Oliveira |
2021 |
Inka's cosmovision, space, time, and Cosmos: A Western perspective |
Gamarra, Milton Rojas |
2021 |