
Título Autor Ano de publicação
Drift of South América Platform since Early Cretaceous: Revewing the apparent polar wander path Ernesto, M. 2007
A study of the evolution of the accretion disk of V2051 Ophiuchi through two outburst cycles Baptista, R. 2007
Amazon forests green-up during 2005 drought Saleska, S. R. 2007
Direct dating of the Sete Lagoas cap carbonate (Bambui? Group, Brazil) and implications for the Neoproterozoic glacial events Babinski, M. 2007
Investigation of 238U-230Th-226Ra and 232Th-228Ra-228Th radioactive disequilibria in volcanic rocks from Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands (Brazil; Southern Atlantic Ocean) Santos, R.N 2007
Identification of a Sturtian cap carbonate in the Neoproterozoic Sete Lagoas carbonate platform, Bambui Group, Brazil Vieira, L.C. 2007
Comparação entre duas diferentes parametrizações de CLP disponíveis no MM5 MARTINS, S. N. S. 2007
Large-scale index for South America Monsoon (LISAM) SILVA, A. E. 2007
Anti-persistence in the global temperature anomaly field. CARVALHO, L. M. V. 2007
A new algorithm to estimate sky condition based on 5 minutes-averaged values of clearness index and relative optical air mass ASSUNÇÃO, H. F. 2007
The history of star-forming galaxies in the SDSS Asari, N.V. 2007
Nebular abundances of southern symbiotic stars Luna, G.J.M. 2007
On the X-ray and optical properties of the Be star HD 110432, a very hard-thermal X-ray emitter Lopes de Oliveira, R. 2007
Avaliação do método de Multiple Imputation no preenchimento de falhas de fluxos de energia sobre uma área de cana-de-açúcar TATSCH, J. D. 2007
Sensitivity of Regional Climatic Simulation over Southeastern South America to SST Specification During Austral Summer CUADRA, S. V. 2007
HCG 31: a multiple merger in progress Amram, P. 2007
Calibração do Módulo de Transferência Turbulenta do Modelo SiB2 para Floresta Tropical Amazônica LLOPART, M. 2007
LTD-Thellier paleointensity of 1.2 Ga Nova Floresta mafic rocks (Amazon craton) Celino, K.R 2007
How does the shape and thickness of the tachocline affect the distribution of the toroidal magnetic fields in the solar dynamo? Guerrero, G. 2007
Eastern Paraguay: an overview of the post-Paleozoic magmatism and geodynamic implications. Comin-Chiaramonti, P. 2007
Feições crustais determinadas pela análise azimutal da Função do Receptor, na região da estação sismográfica de Rio Claro (RCLB) Dourado, J.C. 2007
FSR 584 - a new globular cluster in the Galaxy? Bica, E. 2007
Onset and End of the Rainy Season in South America in Observations and the ECHAM 4.5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model LIEBMANN, B. 2007
In-Cloud and Below-Cloud Scavencing Analysis of Sulfate in the metropolitan área of São Paulo, Brazil GONÇALVES, F. L. T. 2007
A frequency approach to identifying asteroid families Carruba, V. 2007
Aquisição e interpretação de anomalias gravimétricas do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, SE do Cráton São Francisco Rodrigues Pinto, L.G. 2007
A red algal bloom in the aftermath of the Marinoan Snowball Earth Elie, M. 2007
Exploring the connection between the stellar wind and the non-thermal emission in LS 5039 Bosch-Ramon, V. 2007
X-ray spectral variation of ? Carinae through the 2003 X-ray minimum Hamaguchi, K. 2007
Influences of the weather and air pollutants on cardiovascular disease in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo GONÇALVES, F. L. T. 2007
Bayesian posterior classification of planetary nebulae according to the Peimbert types Quireza, C. 2007
Emission-line flickering from the secondary star in cataclysmic variables? A study of V3885 Sagittarii Ribeiro, F.M.A. 2007
On the chemistry of CS and NS in cometary comae Canaves, M. V. 2007
Editor da Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia: Uma Experiência Única AMBRIZZI, T. 2007
Spectral atlas of massive stars around He I 10 830 Å Groh, J.H. 2007
Including the sub-grid scale plume rise of vegetation fires in low resolution atmospheric transport models FREITAS, S. R. 2007
Avaliação dos resultados de concentração de ozônio troposférico simulados pelo modelo SPM-BRAMS sobre a RMSP CARVALHO, V. S. B. 2007
Variabilidade das concentrações do O3 troposférico: dados de superfície e sondagens medidos durante a campanha “Primacera de O3” em 2006 ROCHA, C. R. M. 2007
Regional climate modeling for the developing world - The ICTP RegCM3 and RegCNET PAL, J. S. 2007
Evidences linking ENSO and coral growth in the Southwestern-South Atlantic EVANGELISTA, H. 2007
A survey of early-type stars based on the two micron all sky survey database Ortiz, R. 2007
Constraints on superdense preon stars and their formation scenarios Horvath, J. E. 2007
Irradiância solar em cânions urbanos CARDOSO, R. M. M. 2007
Palaeolatitude of glacial deposits and palaeogeopgraphy of Neoproterozoic ice ages Trindade, R.I.F. 2007
Ground-penetrating radar profiles over multiple steel tanks: Artifact removal through effective data processing Porsani, J.L. 2007
Furacões e tornados: um espetáculo de rotação na atmosfera terrestre SILVA DIAS, M.A.F. 2007
Geoenvironmental site investigation using different techniques in a municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil Mondelli, G.,Mondelli, G. 2007
Time variation of radial gradients in the Galactic disk, electron temperatures and abundances Maciel, W.J. 2007
Effects of size distributions from two distinct polluted environments on dry deposition of atmospheric aerosols MARTINS, J. A. 2007
Variabilidade das medidas de fluxos de CO2 do solo obtidas pelo método da correlação de vórtices CABRAL, O. 2007