Graduate Program in Meteorology

The Graduate Program in Meteorology at the University of São Paulo aims to train researchers and professionals with solid knowledge in atmospheric sciences, including not only traditional areas but also “climate change,” “atmosphere-biosphere interaction,” “atmosphere-ocean interaction,” and “atmospheric pollution and its effects on humans and the environment.”

A solid foundation in these areas enables students to have versatile and autonomous roles to face the challenges that academic or professional activities will present. In the past, most applicants to the program were graduates from Meteorology, Physics, and Mathematics programs. However, nowadays, in addition to these, the research areas developed within the program have attracted geographers, biologists, chemists, engineers, and others. More information on the evolution of the number of degrees awarded since its creation can be found in the Statistics section.

CAPES evaluation



Master, PhD, Direct PhD

Admission to the Graduate Program in Meteorology

Mão segurando uma caneta sobre uma mesa com papeis, cadernos e xícara de café (foto: Green Chameleon/Unsplash)
Mão segurando uma caneta sobre uma mesa com papeis, cadernos e xícara de café (foto: Green Chameleon/Unsplash)

Admission to the Graduate Program in Meteorology

Admission to the Postgraduate Program in Meteorology at IAG/USP is through a selection process regulated by a public notice created by the CCP and published in the Official State Gazette of São Paulo and on the program's website.

Nuvem em Oklahoma (crédito: Raychel Sanner/unsplash)

Teaching and Courses

Estudantes de mestrado, doutorado e doutorado direto deverão completar a respectiva quantidade mínima de créditos.

Tempestade em Wyoming (crédito: Nikolas Noonan/unsplash

Qualifying Exam

O exame de qualificação é obrigatório para estudantes do mestrado, do doutorado e do doutorado direto.

Paisagem com solo ressecado (crédito: redcharlie/unsplash

Scholarships and Financial Aid

O programa dispõe de cotas de bolsas da CAPES e do CNPq.


Doutorado: Análise dos processos oscilatórios da produção de energia renovável no Brasil

Estudante: Thais Fujita Título: “Análise dos processos oscilatórios da produção de energia renovável no Brasil” Orientador: Prof. Dr. Edmilson Dias de Freitas

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Thesis defense: Brazilian Intraseasonal Variability: Rainfall Patterns and Predictive Skill

Student: Camila Ribeiro Sapucci Title: “Brazilian Intraseasonal Variability: Rainfall Patterns and Predictive Skill” Advisor: Prof. Dr. Pedro Leite da Silva Dias

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Thesis defense: Brazilian Intraseasonal Variability: Rainfall Patterns and Predictive Skill

Student: Camila Ribeiro Sapucci Title: “Brazilian Intraseasonal Variability: Rainfall Patterns and Predictive Skill” Advisor: Prof. Dr. Pedro Leite da Silva Dias

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