
Título Autor Ano de publicação
Abundances in the galactic bulge Barbuy, B. 2008
Carinae: a luminous blue variable with a high rotational velocity Groh, J. H. 2008
CMBPol mission concept study: foreground science knowledge and prospects Fraisse, A.A. 2008
CMBPol mission concept study: prospects for polarized foreground temoval Dunkley, J. 2008
CS 22876-032: The most metal-poor dwarfs. Abundances and 3D effects González Hernández, J. I. 2008
Evolution of primordial black holes in a universe with radiation and phantom energy Guariento, D. 2008
First results on Be stars with CoRoT Gutierrez-Soto, J. 2008
First results on the Be stars observed with the CoRoT satellite Gutierrez-Soto, J. 2008
JStuff - a preliminary extragalactic model for the ESA-Gaia satellite simulation framework Krone-Martins, A.G.O. 2008
LBVs and the nature of the S Dor cycles: the case of AG Carinae Groh, J. H. 2008
Orbital determination and dynamics of resonant extrasolar planetary systems Beaugé, C. 2008
Oxygen Abundances in metal-poor stars, from [OI], OI and IR OH lines Barbuy, B. 2008
Parallax programs at sub-mass accuracy level Ducourant, C. 2008
Parallax programs at the Bordeaux Observatory at sub-mas level accuracy Ducourant, C. 2008
Refined estimates of carbon abundances for carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars Rossi, S. 2008
Stellar kinematics in the local disk Teixeira, R. 2008
Stellar winds from central stars of planetary nebulae: metallicity effects Maciel, W. J. 2008
Support vector machines and CASGM20 parameters applied to morphological classification of reconstructed 2D images of extended objects within the ESA-Gaia mission Krone-Martins, A. 2008
Symposium summary: stellar populations in bulges Barbuy, B. 2008
The evolution of the galactic bulge from planetary nebulae Maciel, W.J. 2008
The pulsations of the B5IVe star HD181231 revealed by CoRoT Neiner, C. 2008
Tidal friction in close-in planets Rodríguez, A. 2008
TW Hydrae astrometric parameters measurement Teixeira, R. 2008
3-D models of novae shell, the treatment of condensations Moraes, M.V. 2007
A flat faint end of the Fornax cluster galaxy luminosity function Mieske, S. 2007
A new approach to derive [?/Fe] for integrated stellar populations Cervantes, J. L. 2007
Abundances in extremely metal-poor stars. Comparison of the trends of abundance ratios in giants and turnoff stars Spite, M. 2007
Abundances in the galactic bulge, evidence for fast chemical enrichment Zoccali, M. 2007
C/C ratios in giants of open clusters Smiljanic, R. 2007
Capture conditions for strangelets in the geomagnetic field Paulucci, L. 2007
CFL strange quark matter at finite temperature Paulucci, L. 2007
Chemical Abundances in Metal-Rich Bulge-like Stars Pompéia, L. 2007
Concluding remarks Horvath, J.E. 2007
Evolution of planetary nebulae in the mid-infrared Ortiz, R.P. 2007
Formation history of supermassive black holes in a viable cosmological window Coimbra-Araújo, C.H. 2007
Galactic fountains and winds from normal and SB galaxies de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M. 2007
Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time Mendes de Oliveira, C. 2007
High resolution spectral models for solar scaled and ?-enhanced compositions Coelho, P. 2007
Line-profile variations on massive binary systems, determining eta Carinae orbital parameters Falceta-Gonçalves, D. 2007
Metal-poor globular clusters of the galactic bulge Barbuy, B.,Barbuy, B.,Barbuy, B.,Barbuy, B. 2007
Mn, Cu, and Zn abundances in metal-rich globular clusters Alves-Brito, A. 2007
Modeling the structure of hot star disks, a critical evaluation of the viscous decretion scenario Carciofi, A.C. 2007
Quantitative biological effects of gamma-ray bursts Galante, D. 2007
Spectra of bulge stars with known abundance ratios for population synthesis Barbuy, B. 2007
Spectral synthesis in the near UV (3000-4500 Å) Smiljanic, R. 2007
The effects of age and metallicity on Be circumstellar disk formation Wisniewski, J.P. 2007
The incredible shrinking Milky Way Damineli, A. 2007
The use of [Mg/Fe] to trace truncated star formation in elliptical galaxies de La Rosa, I.G. 2007
What do exotic equations of state have to offer? Horvath, J. E. 2007
X-ray and optical properties of new gcas-like objects discovered in X-ray surveys Motch, C. 2007