
Título Autor Ano de publicação
Rossby wave propagation and its relationship with severe frosts over South America MULLER, G. V. 2006
Emission Factors for Gas-Powered Vehicles Traveling Through Road Tunnels in São Paulo, Brazil Martins, L. D. 2006
Inter ENSO variability and its influence over the South American monsoon system DRUMOND, A. R. M. 2006
Changes in the Activity of the Madden–Julian Oscillation during 1958–2004 JONES, C. 2006
Inter-El Niño variability and its impact on the South American low-level jet east of the Andes during austral summer- two case studies SILVA, G.A.M. 2006
Radiações solares UV, PAR e IV: I-Estimativa em função da global. ESCOBEDO, J. F. 2006
Nocturnal cold air drainage and pooling in a tropical forest GOULDEN, M. L. 2006
Dynamics of resonantly interacting equatorial waves Raupp, C. F. M. 2006
Radiações solares UV, PAR e IV: II-Estimativa das frações em função de KT ESCOBEDO, J. F. 2006
The South American Low Level Jet Experiment (SALLJEX) VERA, C. 2006
An application of neural network technique to correct the dome temperature effects on pyrgeometer measurements OLIVEIRA, A. P. 2006
Data sets from the continental-scale experiments. ROADS, J. 2006
Simulação Numérica do Clima de Verão Sobre o Sudeste do Brasil e sua Variabilidade Cuadra, S. V. 2006
Wet deposition and related atmospheric chemistry in the São Paulo metropolis, Brazil: Parte 3: Trends in precipitation chemistry during 1983 – 2003 FORNARO, A. 2006
Variabilidade Interanual e intersazonal de freqüência de ciclones no Hemisfério Sul BEU, C. M. L. 2006
Numerical modeling developments towards a system suitable to a real time air quality forecast and climate changes studies in South America LONGO, K. M. 2006
Meteorologia , desmatamento e queimadas na Amazônia: uma síntese de resultados do LBA SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. 2006
Variabilidade intrasazonal e interanual de extremos na precipitação sobre o centro-sul da Amazônia durante o verão austral MUZA, M. N. 2006
Numerical simulation of precipitation systems at the Serra do Mar region in South-East Brazil: a case study RAMOS, A. M. 2006
Soil moisture dynamics in an eastern Amazonian tropical forest BRUNO, R. D. 2006
Meteorologia e Sociedade SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. 2006
Paleo-environmental change in Amazonian and African rainforest during the LGM ANHUF, D. 2006
Modulation of the intraseasonal rainfall over tropical Brazil by the Madden-Julian oscillation SOUZA, E. B. 2006
Estimativa operacional da umidade do solo para iniciação de modelos de previsão numérica da atmosfera – Parte II: Impacto da umidade do solo e da parametrização de cumulus na simulação de uma linha seca GEVAERD, R. 2006
Determination of O3-, CO- and PM10-transport in the metropolitan area of São paulo, Brazil through synoptic-scale analysis of back trajectories SÁNCHEZ-CCOYLLO, O. R. 2006
Soil occupation and atmospheric variations over Sobradinho Lake area. Part one: an observational analysis CORREIA, M. F.,CORREIA, M. F. 2006
Participação da SBMET no 1º Seminário de Avaliação do Curso Técnico em Meteorologia do CEFETSC PEREIRA FILHO, A. J. 2006
Circadian rhythms constrain leaf and canopy gas exchange in an Amazonian forest DOUGHTY, C. 2006
Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting in Latin American Cities ANDRADE, M. F. 2006
Evolução diurna e anual da radiação direta na incidência GOMES, N. 2006
Complexity and predictabilily of daily precipitation in a semi-arid region:an application to Ceará, Brazil SILVA, M. E. S. 2006
Towards a Unified View of the American Monsoon Systems Vera, C. 2006
Observational study of the seasonality of the submonthly and intraseasonal signal over the tropics VITORINO, M. I. 2006
Possible fast variability of the nucleous of Cen A at 13.5mm KAUFMAN, P. 1977
Detection of H2O emission from the galaxy NGC 253 Detection of H2O emission from the galaxy NGC 253 1977
Diagnostic analysis of tropical cumulonimbus downdraft structure SILVA DIAS, M.A.F. 1977
Performance of brazilian 45-ft Itapetininga radio telescope at K-band KAUFMANN, P. 1976
New H2O Celestial sources associated with HII regions in the Southern Hemisphere KAUFMANN, P. 1976
Longitudinal dependence of ionospheric total electron content in South Atlantic geomagnetic anomaly KAUFMANN, P. 1976
Evapotranspiraçåo potencial e balanço hídrico no Parque do Estado, Såo Paulo, SP MARQUES DOS SANTOS, P. 1976
Comparison of a thermopile broadband detectos and a photon detector for the measurement of solar radiation SILVA DIAS, M.A.F. 1976
The July 1974 solar events: a possible lower limit for microwave activity KAUFMANN, P. 1975
Some new radio sources associated to sersic peculiar galaxies KAUFMANN, P. 1975
Características termodinâmicas internas de uma redoma rígida de plástico protegendo o rádio-telescópio de precisão KAUFMANN, P. 1974
Informações de interesse para a astronomia do infravermelho sobre condiçõs meteorológicas no Pico da Piedade (MG) MATSUURA, O.T. 1974
Characteristics of the solar north cap radio emission at = 4.3cm based on 24 December 1973 eclipse obseervations KAUFMANN, P. 1974
Radio emission of NGC 5128 and some southern radio sources at = 1.35 cm KAUFMANN, P. 1974
Radio emission of NGC 5128 at = 1.35cm KAUFMANN, P. 1974
Variaçõs troposféricas relacionadas com a propagação de microondas na região de São Paulo - Atibaia MARQUES DOS SANTOS, P. 1974