The B0.5 IVe CoRoT target HD 49330 |
Floquet, M. |
2009 |
The B0.5IVe CoRoT target HD?49330 |
Huat, A.-L. |
2009 |
The CoRoT-7?planetary system: two orbiting super-Earths |
Queloz, D. |
2009 |
The corotation gap in the Galactic HI distribution. |
Amores, E.B. |
2009 |
The optical/X-ray connection: intra-cluster medium iron content and galaxy optical luminosity in 20 galaxy clusters |
Laganá, T. F. |
2009 |
The pulsations of the B5IVe star HD?181231 observed with CoRoT and ground-based spectroscopy |
Neiner, C. |
2009 |
Guerrero, Gustavo |
2009 |
The young, tight, and low-mass binary TWA22AB: a new calibrator for evolutionary models? Orbit, spectral types, and temperature. |
Bonnefoy , M. |
2009 |
Vidotto, A. A. |
2009 |
Miroshnichenko, A. S. |
2009 |
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission |
Léger, A.,Bonomo, A. S.,Bordé, P.,Cabrera, J.,Csizmadia, Sz.,Tingley, B. |
2009 |
VLT-FLAMES analysis of 8 giants in the bulge metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6522. |
Barbuy, B |
2009 |
A multispectral view of the periodic events in Carinae |
Damineli, A. |
2008 |
A new coupled quintessence cosmology |
Jesus, J.F. |
2008 |
Abundance variations in the globular cluster M71 (NGC 6838) |
Alves-Brito, A. |
2008 |
Accelerating cold dark matter cosmology (?? ? 0) |
Lima, J.A.S. |
2008 |
An accurate distance to 2M1207Ab |
Ducourant, C. |
2008 |
Can old galaxies at high redshifts and baryon acoustic oscillations constrains H0? |
Lima, J.A.S. |
2008 |
Can retired galaxies mimic active galaxies? Clues from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
Stasinska, G. |
2008 |
Chemical Potential and the nature of the dark energy: the case of phantom |
Lima, J.A.S |
2008 |
Chemical similarities between galactic bulge and local thick disk red giant stars |
Meléndez, J. |
2008 |
Clustering, angular size, and dark energy |
Santos, R.C.,Santos, R. |
2008 |
CMB and LSS constraints on a single-field model of inflation |
Carvalho, F.C. |
2008 |
Color-flavor locked strange matter and strangelets at finite temperature |
Paulucci, L. |
2008 |
Conservative force fields in non-Gaussian statistics |
Silva, J.M. |
2008 |
Constraining the dark energy and smoothness parameter with supernovae |
Santos, R.C.,Santos, R. |
2008 |
Contribution to the ground-based follow-up of the Gaia space mission |
Teixeira, R. |
2008 |
CoRoT measures solar-like oscillations and granulation in stars hotter than the Sun |
Michel, E. |
2008 |
Discovery in IC10 of the farthest known symbiotic star |
Gonçalves, D.R. |
2008 |
Dynamic portrait of the planetary 2/1 mean-motion resonance - I. Systems with a more massive outer planet |
Michtchenko, T.A. |
2008 |
Dynamic portrait of the planetary 2/1 mean-motion resonance – II. Systems with a more massive inner planet |
Michtchenko, T.A. |
2008 |
Evolution of primordial black holes in a radiation and phantom energy environment |
Guariento, D.C. |
2008 |
First stars XI. Chemical composition of the extremely metal-poor dwarfs in the binary CS 22876-032 |
González Hernández, J.I. |
2008 |
Formation and transformation of the 3:1 mean motion resonance in 55 Cancri system |
Zhou, L.-Y. |
2008 |
Fossil groups in the millennium simulation. Evolution of the brightest galaxies. |
Díaz-Giménez, E. |
2008 |
HI aperture synthesis and optical observations of the pair of galaxies NGC 6907 and 6908 |
Scarano, S. |
2008 |
High spatial resolution spectroscopy of W51 IRS 2E and IRS 2W: two very massive young stars in early formation stages |
Barbosa, C.L. |
2008 |
Hydrodynamical simulations of galactic fountains - I. Evolution of single fountains |
Melioli, C. |
2008 |
Intragroup diffuse light in compact groups of galaxies - II. HCG 15, 35 and 51 |
Da Rocha, C. |
2008 |
Measurement of the epicycle frequency in the Galactic disc and initial velocities of open clusters |
Lépine, J.R.D. |
2008 |
Metallicity effects on the modified wind momentum of CSPN |
Maciel, W. J. |
2008 |
Modelling the line variations from the wind-wind shock emissions of WR30a |
Falceta-Gonçalves, D. |
2008 |
Multi-conjugate adaptive optics VLT imaging of the distant old open cluster FSR 1415 |
Momany, Y. |
2008 |
Near-infrared integral field spectroscopy of the Homunculus nebula around ? Carinae using Gemini/CIRPASS |
Teodoro, M. |
2008 |
NLTE Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer: II. Non-isothermal solutions for viscous Keplerian disks |
Carciofi, A.C. |
2008 |
On phantom thermodynamics |
Pereira, S.H. |
2008 |
On the determination of the rotational oblateness of Achernar |
Carciofi, A.C. |
2008 |
Origin of primordial magnetic fields |
de Souza, R.S. |
2008 |
Physical and dynamical characterization of (5201) Ferraz-Mello, a possible extinct Jupiter family comet |
Carvano, M.J. |
2008 |
Predicting spectral features in galaxy spectra from broad-band photometry |
Abdalla, F.B. |
2008 |