
Título Autor Ano de publicação
Relativistic dispersion effects on SS433 jets Lopez, E.D. 2008
Reliability of orbital fits for resonant extrasolar planetary systems: the case of HD82943 Beaugé, C. 2008
Rotation curve bifurcations as indicators of close recent galaxy encounters Pedrosa, S. 2008
Searching for star formation outside galaxies: multiwavelength analysis of the intragroup medium of Hickson compact group 100 de Mello, D.F. 2008
Simplified quartessence cosmology Lima, J.A.S.,Lima, J.A.S. 2008
SSSPM J1102-3431 brown dwarf characterization from accurate proper motion and trigonometric parallax Teixeira R. 2008
Star formation efficiency in galaxy clusters Laganá, T.F. 2008
The embedded cluster DBSB 48 in the nebula Hoffleit 18: Comparison with Trumpler 14 Ortolani, S. 2008
The metal content of bulge field stars from FLAMES-GIRAFFE spectra. I. Stellar parameters and iron abundances Zoccali, M. 2008
The old metal-poor open cluster ESO 92-SC05: accreted from a dwarf galaxy? Ortolani, S. 2008
The periodicity of the ? Carinae events Damineli, A. 2008
The qWR star HD 45166. II. Fundamental stellar parameters and evidence of a latitude-dependent wind Groh, J.H. 2008
The Schenberg spherical gravitational wave detector: the first commissioning runs Aguiar, O.D. 2008
The search for primordial quark nuggets among near Earth asteroids Horvath, J. E. 2008
The stellar content of obscured galactic giant H I regions. Vi. W51A Figuerêdo, E. 2008
The structure and dynamics of Abell 1942 Capelato, H.V. 2008
The viscosity parameter's dependence on the profile of the disk scale height Meirelles Filho, C. 2008
Tidal friction in close-in satellites and exoplanets: The Darwin theory re-visited Ferraz-Mello, S. 2008
Tomographic simulations of accretion disks in cataclysmic variables - flickering and wind Ribeiro, F.M. 2008
Towards the main sequence: detailed analysis of weak line and post-T Tauri stars Rojas, G. 2008
Transition redshift: new kinematic constraints from supernovae Cunha, J.V. 2008
Trapping of strangelets in the geomagnetic field Paulucci, L. 2008
Turbulent magnetic pumping in a Babcock-Leighton solar dynamo model Guerrero, G. 2008
XMM-Newton temperature maps for five intermediate redshift clusters of galaxies Durret, F. 2008
A catalog of candidate field horizontal-branch and A-type stars. III. A 2MASS-cleaned version Beers, T.C. 2007
A frequency approach to identifying asteroid families Carruba, V. 2007
A high spectral resolution atlas and catalogue of emission lines of the comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR) Picazzio, E. 2007
A statistical study of accretion disk model spectra for cataclysmics variables Puebla, R. 2007
A study of the evolution of the accretion disk of V2051 Ophiuchi through two outburst cycles Baptista, R. 2007
A survey of early-type stars based on the two micron all sky survey database Ortiz, R. 2007
Achernar, rapid polarization variability as evidence of photospheric and circumstellar activity Carciofi, A.C. 2007
Ages of elliptical galaxies, single- versus multi-population interpretation Idiart, T.P. 2007
An extension of the SHARC survey Adami, C. 2007
Bayesian posterior classification of planetary nebulae according to the Peimbert types Quireza, C. 2007
Biological effects of gamma-ray bursts, distances for severe damage on the biota Galante, D. 2007
Broadband UBVRI photometry of horizontal-branch and metal-poor candidates from the HK and Hamburg/ESO surveys Beers, T.C. 2007
CAL 87 - an evolved wind-driven supersoft X-ray binary Oliveira, A.S. 2007
Chemical evolution of the Small Magellanic Cloud based on planetary nebulae Idiart, T. P. 2007
Comparing extinction models with a sample of elliptical galaxies, star clusters, and the extinction at the galactic center Amôres, E. B. 2007
Constraining H0 from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, galaxy cluster X-ray data and baryon oscillations Cunha, J. V. 2007
Constraints on superdense preon stars and their formation scenarios Horvath, J. E. 2007
Distances of the bulge globular clusters Terzan 5, Liller 1, UKS 1, and Terzan 4 based on HST NICMOS photometry Ortolani, S. 2007
Effective growth of matter density fluctuations in the running ? CDM and ? XCDM models Grande, J. 2007
Emission-line flickering from the secondary star in cataclysmic variables? A study of V3885 Sagittarii Ribeiro, F.M.A. 2007
Evolution of primordial black holes in a radiation and phantom energy Guariento, D., 2007
Exploring the connection between the stellar wind and the non-thermal emission in LS 5039 Bosch-Ramon, V. 2007
Extended radio sources evolution and the angular size redshift relation Carvalho, J.C. 2007
First stars VII - Lithium in extremely metal poor dwarfs Bonifacio, P. 2007
First stars. VIII. Enrichment of the neutron-capture elements in the early Galaxy François, P. 2007
Flux dominated solar dynamo model with a thin shear layer Guerrero, G. 2007