Relativistic dispersion effects on SS433 jets |
Lopez, E.D. |
2008 |
Reliability of orbital fits for resonant extrasolar planetary systems: the case of HD82943 |
Beaugé, C. |
2008 |
Rotation curve bifurcations as indicators of close recent galaxy encounters |
Pedrosa, S. |
2008 |
Searching for star formation outside galaxies: multiwavelength analysis of the intragroup medium of Hickson compact group 100 |
de Mello, D.F. |
2008 |
Simplified quartessence cosmology |
Lima, J.A.S.,Lima, J.A.S. |
2008 |
SSSPM J1102-3431 brown dwarf characterization from accurate proper motion and trigonometric parallax |
Teixeira R. |
2008 |
Star formation efficiency in galaxy clusters |
Laganá, T.F. |
2008 |
The embedded cluster DBSB 48 in the nebula Hoffleit 18: Comparison with Trumpler 14 |
Ortolani, S. |
2008 |
The metal content of bulge field stars from FLAMES-GIRAFFE spectra. I. Stellar parameters and iron abundances |
Zoccali, M. |
2008 |
The old metal-poor open cluster ESO 92-SC05: accreted from a dwarf galaxy? |
Ortolani, S. |
2008 |
The periodicity of the ? Carinae events |
Damineli, A. |
2008 |
The qWR star HD 45166. II. Fundamental stellar parameters and evidence of a latitude-dependent wind |
Groh, J.H. |
2008 |
The Schenberg spherical gravitational wave detector: the first commissioning runs |
Aguiar, O.D. |
2008 |
The search for primordial quark nuggets among near Earth asteroids |
Horvath, J. E. |
2008 |
The stellar content of obscured galactic giant H I regions. Vi. W51A |
Figuerêdo, E. |
2008 |
The structure and dynamics of Abell 1942 |
Capelato, H.V. |
2008 |
The viscosity parameter's dependence on the profile of the disk scale height |
Meirelles Filho, C. |
2008 |
Tidal friction in close-in satellites and exoplanets: The Darwin theory re-visited |
Ferraz-Mello, S. |
2008 |
Tomographic simulations of accretion disks in cataclysmic variables - flickering and wind |
Ribeiro, F.M. |
2008 |
Towards the main sequence: detailed analysis of weak line and post-T Tauri stars |
Rojas, G. |
2008 |
Transition redshift: new kinematic constraints from supernovae |
Cunha, J.V. |
2008 |
Trapping of strangelets in the geomagnetic field |
Paulucci, L. |
2008 |
Turbulent magnetic pumping in a Babcock-Leighton solar dynamo model |
Guerrero, G. |
2008 |
XMM-Newton temperature maps for five intermediate redshift clusters of galaxies |
Durret, F. |
2008 |
A catalog of candidate field horizontal-branch and A-type stars. III. A 2MASS-cleaned version |
Beers, T.C. |
2007 |
A frequency approach to identifying asteroid families |
Carruba, V. |
2007 |
A high spectral resolution atlas and catalogue of emission lines of the comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR) |
Picazzio, E. |
2007 |
A statistical study of accretion disk model spectra for cataclysmics variables |
Puebla, R. |
2007 |
A study of the evolution of the accretion disk of V2051 Ophiuchi through two outburst cycles |
Baptista, R. |
2007 |
A survey of early-type stars based on the two micron all sky survey database |
Ortiz, R. |
2007 |
Achernar, rapid polarization variability as evidence of photospheric and circumstellar activity |
Carciofi, A.C. |
2007 |
Ages of elliptical galaxies, single- versus multi-population interpretation |
Idiart, T.P. |
2007 |
An extension of the SHARC survey |
Adami, C. |
2007 |
Bayesian posterior classification of planetary nebulae according to the Peimbert types |
Quireza, C. |
2007 |
Biological effects of gamma-ray bursts, distances for severe damage on the biota |
Galante, D. |
2007 |
Broadband UBVRI photometry of horizontal-branch and metal-poor candidates from the HK and Hamburg/ESO surveys |
Beers, T.C. |
2007 |
CAL 87 - an evolved wind-driven supersoft X-ray binary |
Oliveira, A.S. |
2007 |
Chemical evolution of the Small Magellanic Cloud based on planetary nebulae |
Idiart, T. P. |
2007 |
Comparing extinction models with a sample of elliptical galaxies, star clusters, and the extinction at the galactic center |
Amôres, E. B. |
2007 |
Constraining H0 from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, galaxy cluster X-ray data and baryon oscillations |
Cunha, J. V. |
2007 |
Constraints on superdense preon stars and their formation scenarios |
Horvath, J. E. |
2007 |
Distances of the bulge globular clusters Terzan 5, Liller 1, UKS 1, and Terzan 4 based on HST NICMOS photometry |
Ortolani, S. |
2007 |
Effective growth of matter density fluctuations in the running ? CDM and ? XCDM models |
Grande, J. |
2007 |
Emission-line flickering from the secondary star in cataclysmic variables? A study of V3885 Sagittarii |
Ribeiro, F.M.A. |
2007 |
Evolution of primordial black holes in a radiation and phantom energy |
Guariento, D., |
2007 |
Exploring the connection between the stellar wind and the non-thermal emission in LS 5039 |
Bosch-Ramon, V. |
2007 |
Extended radio sources evolution and the angular size redshift relation |
Carvalho, J.C. |
2007 |
First stars VII - Lithium in extremely metal poor dwarfs |
Bonifacio, P. |
2007 |
First stars. VIII. Enrichment of the neutron-capture elements in the early Galaxy |
François, P. |
2007 |
Flux dominated solar dynamo model with a thin shear layer |
Guerrero, G. |
2007 |