
Título Autor Ano de publicação
Fossil groups in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Santos, W.A. 2007
Free-free absorption in the nucleus of Cen A, evidences from 7-mm emission variability Abraham, Z. 2007
FSR 1767, a new globular cluster in the galaxy Bonatto, C. 2007
FSR 584 - a new globular cluster in the Galaxy? Bica, E. 2007
Generalized second law and phantom cosmology Freitas Pacheco, J.A. 2007
HCG 31: a multiple merger in progress Amram, P. 2007
How does the shape and thickness of the tachocline affect the distribution of the toroidal magnetic fields in the solar dynamo? Guerrero, G. 2007
Is the Bardeen-Petterson effect responsible for the warping and precession in NGC4258? Caproni, A. 2007
Kinematic segregation of nearby disk stars from the Hipparcos database de Souza, R. E. 2007
Modeling close encounters with massive asteroids, a Markovian approach Carruba, V. 2007
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars. I. A SOAR/OSIRIS pilot study Beers, T.C. 2007
Near-infrared surface photometry of a sample of barred galaxies Gadotti, D. A. 2007
Nebular abundances of southern symbiotic stars Luna, G.J.M. 2007
NGC 6558, a blue horizontal branch moderately metal-poor globular cluster in the bulge Barbuy, B. 2007
On the chemistry of CS and NS in cometary comae Canaves, M. V. 2007
On the relationship between visiual magnitudes and gas and dust production rates in target comets to space missions de Almeida, A.A. 2007
On the thermodynamics of dark energy Silva, R. 2007
On the V-type asteroids outside the Vesta family. II. Is (21238) 1995 WV7 a fragment of the long basaltic crust of (15) Eunomia? Carruba, V. 2007
On the X-ray and optical properties of the Be star HD 110432, a very hard-thermal X-ray emitter Lopes de Oliveira, R. 2007
Oxygen, sodium, magnesium, and aluminium as tracers of the galactic bulge formation Lecureur, A. 2007
Photodissociation lifetimes and fluorescence efficiency factors of the cometary molecular species 14N32S Sanzovo, G.C. 2007
Polarimetry toward the IRAS Vela Shell. II. Extinction and magnetic fields Pereyra, A. 2007
Press-Schechter mass function and the normalization problem Marassi, L. 2007
Radio-continuum spectrum, brightness temperature, and planetary nebulae properties Gruenwald, R. 2007
Searching high redshift large-scale structures, photometry of four fields around quasar pairs at z~1 Boris, N.V. 2007
Semi-empirical analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies - IV. A nature via nurture scenario for galaxy evolution Mateus, A. 2007
Spectral atlas of massive stars around He I 10 830 Å Groh, J.H. 2007
Spectral models for solar scale and alfa-enchanced populations Coelho, P. 2007
Testing the accuracy of high-resolution stellar libraries Martins, L. 2007
The compact group - fossil group connection, observations of a massive compact group at z = 0.22 Mendes de Oliveira, C. 2007
The early-type dwarf galaxy population of the Fornax cluster Mieske, S. 2007
The history of star-forming galaxies in the SDSS Asari, N.V. 2007
The magnetic field structure of the LMC 2 Supershell, NGC 2100 Wisniewski, J.P. 2007
The role of evolutionary age and metallicity in the formation of classical Be circumstellar disks. II. Assessing the evolutionary nature of candidate disk systems. Wisniewski, J.P. 2007
The use of genetic algorithms to model protoplanetary discs Hetem Jr., A. 2007
The young stellar cluster associated with IR Ortiz, R. 2007
Time variation of radial gradients in the Galactic disk, electron temperatures and abundances Maciel, W.J. 2007
Toward mapping the detailed density structure of classical Be circumstellar disks. Wisniewski, J.P. 2007
Transient jets in V617 Sagittarii Steiner, J.E. 2007
Trigonometric parallaxes of high velocity halo white dwarf candidates Ducourant, C. 2007
Truncated star formation in compact groups of galaxies, a stell de la Rosa, I.G. 2007
Uncovering the chemical enrichment and mass-assembly histories of star-forming galaxies Cid Fernandes, R. 2007
Wind-wind collision in the ? Carinae binary system - III. The HeII ?4686 line profile Abraham, Z. 2007
Witnessing the formation of a galaxy cluster at z = 0.485, optical and X-ray properties of RX J1117.4+0743 ([VMF 98] 097) Carrasco, E. R. 2007
X-ray spectral variation of ? Carinae through the 2003 X-ray minimum Hamaguchi, K. 2007
A new globular cluster in the galaxy Ortolani, S. 2006
A new inflaton model beginning near the Planck epoch Opher, R. 2006
A rich population of X-Ray-emitting Wolf-Rayet stars in the galactic starburst cluster westerlund 1 Skinner, S.L. 2006
A Self-Consistent determination of the temperature profile and the magnetic field geometry in winds of late-type stars Vidotto, A.A. 2006
A Tomographic Study of the Classical Nova RR Pictoris Ribeiro, F.M.A. 2006