Feições crustais determinadas pela análise azimutal da Função do Receptor, na região da estação sismográfica de Rio Claro (RCLB) |
2007 |
Palaeolatitude of glacial deposits and palaeogeopgraphy of Neoproterozoic ice ages |
2007 |
Insights into the morphology, geometry, and post-impact erosion of the Araguainha peak-ring structure, central Brazil |
2007 |
Geoenvironmental site investigation using different techniques in a municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil |
2007 |
Magnetic fabrics and rock magnetism of Archaean and Proterozoic dike swarms in the southern São Francisco Craton, Brazil |
2007 |
Arqueomagnetismo e datação arqueomagnética: princípios e métodos |
2007 |
A red algal bloom in the aftermath of the Marinoan Snowball Earth |
2007 |
Direct dating of the Sete Lagoas cap carbonate (Bambui? Group, Brazil) and implications for the Neoproterozoic glacial events |
2007 |
Investigation of 238U-230Th-226Ra and 232Th-228Ra-228Th radioactive disequilibria in volcanic rocks from Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands (Brazil; Southern Atlantic Ocean) |
2007 |
Depósitos Litorâneos Neoproterozóicos do Grupo Alto Paraguai no Sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico, Região de Mirassol D'Oeste, Mato Grosso |
2007 |
Evolução estratigráfica e Paleogeográfica do Grupo Santa Bárbara (Ediacarano) na Sub-bacia Camaquã Central, RS |
2007 |
Identificação de distorções em redes altimétricas usando geóide e GPS |
2007 |
Genesis and geodynamic significance of Mesoproterozoic and Early Cretaceous tholeiitic dyke swarms from the São Francisco Craton (Brazil): Probing the role of lithospheric and plume components |
2007 |
Geomagnetically induced currents in an electric power transmission system at low latitudes in Brazil: A case study study |
2007 |
Drift of South América Platform since Early Cretaceous: Revewing the apparent polar wander path |
2007 |
Upper mantle structure of South America from joint inversion of waveforms and fundamental mode group velocities of Rayleigh waves |
2007 |
Identification of a Sturtian cap carbonate in the Neoproterozoic Sete Lagoas carbonate platform, Bambui Group, Brazil |
2007 |
Eastern Paraguay: an overview of the post-Paleozoic magmatism and geodynamic implications. |
2007 |
Ground-penetrating radar profiles over multiple steel tanks: Artifact removal through effective data processing |
2007 |
Stepped inversion of magnetic data |
2007 |
Radium content in ground water from a granitic batholith of the metamorphic basement, eastern São Paulo State, Brazil |
2006 |
Paleomagnetic record of Africa and South America for the 1200-500 Ma interval, and evaluation of Rodinia and Gondwana assemblies |
2006 |
GRP utilizado na deteção da geometria de cavas usadas para disposição de resíduos de óleos lubrificantes |
2006 |
AMS and grain shape fabric of the Late Paleozoic diamictites of Southeastern Paraná basin, Brazil |
2006 |
Linear inversion of a negative gravity anomaly in SE Rio Grande Cone: a graben on Oceanic Crust |
2006 |
Chemostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic Mirassol d'Oeste cap dolostones (Mato Grosso, Brazil): An alternative model for Marinoan cap dolostone formation |
2006 |
Investigação Gravimétrica do complexo alcalino de Ipanema, São Paulo, Brasil |
2006 |
Análise do emprego do GPR para estimar o teor de umidade do solo a partir de um estudo na Cidade de São Paulo |
2006 |
O Interior da Terra |
2006 |
GPR for mapping fractures and as a guide for the extraction of ornamental granite from a quarry: a case study from Southern Brazil |
2006 |
Magnetic fabrics, rock magnetism, Cathodo-luminescence and petrography of "undeformed" Bambuí Limestones from São Francisco basin (Minas Gerais State-Brazil): an integrated study |
2006 |
Remagnetization of bituminous limestones of the Neoproterozoic Araras Group (Amazon Craton): Hydrocarbon maturation, burial diagenesis or both? |
2006 |
Paleomagnetism of Early Cambrian Itabaiana mafic dikes (NE Brazil) and the final assembly of Gondwana |
2006 |
Seismic characteristics of central Brazil crust and upper mantle: A deep seismic refraction study |
2006 |
Utilização do GPR para caracterizar tambores plásticos enterrados no sítio controlado de geofísica rasa do IAG/USP |
2006 |
O sítio controlado de geofisica rasa do IAG/USP: Instalação e resultados GPR 2D-3D |
2006 |
Upper mantle anisotropy in SE and Central Brazil from SKS splitting: evidence of asthenospheric flow around a cratonic keel |
2006 |
Modelagem 3D da deformação flexural em margens continentais |
2006 |
Aplicação integrada de métodos geofísicos em uma área de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos em Bauru-SP |
2006 |
O uso do GPS em levantamentos geofísicos terrestres |
2006 |
Comparative tests of seismic among sources and geophones aiming at shallow reflection seismic investigation in urban areas |
2006 |
Crustal and upper mantle structure in the intracratonic Paraná Basin, SE Brazil, from surface wave dispersion using genetic algorithms |
2006 |
Resultados paleomagnéticos preliminares do Grupo Santa Fé (Paleozóico da Bacia Sanfranciscana): implicações sobre a idade e paleolatitude da sedimentação glacial |
2006 |
Paleomagnetic constraints on the age of the Botucatu Formation in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil |
2006 |
A least squares procedure for calculating the calibration constants of a portable gamma-ray spectrometer |
2005 |
Detrital remanence magnetization in heamatite-bearing Neoproterozoic Puga Cap Dolostone, Amazon Craton: a rock magnetic and SEM study |
2005 |
Effect of lateral variation and model parameterization on surface wave dispersion to estimate the average shallow structure in the Paraná Basin |
2005 |
Widespread Late Mesoproterozoic tholeiitic magmatism of the São Francisco craton (Brazil): petrology, geochemistry and geotectonic settings |
2005 |
Petromagnetic characteristics of Cameroon Line volcanic rocks |
2005 |
The Paranapanema lithospheric block: Its Importance for Proterozoic (Rodinia, Gondwana) supercontinent theories |
2005 |