
Título Autores Ano de publicação
Feições crustais determinadas pela análise azimutal da Função do Receptor, na região da estação sismográfica de Rio Claro (RCLB) 2007
Palaeolatitude of glacial deposits and palaeogeopgraphy of Neoproterozoic ice ages 2007
Insights into the morphology, geometry, and post-impact erosion of the Araguainha peak-ring structure, central Brazil 2007
Geoenvironmental site investigation using different techniques in a municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil 2007
Magnetic fabrics and rock magnetism of Archaean and Proterozoic dike swarms in the southern São Francisco Craton, Brazil 2007
Arqueomagnetismo e datação arqueomagnética: princípios e métodos 2007
A red algal bloom in the aftermath of the Marinoan Snowball Earth 2007
Direct dating of the Sete Lagoas cap carbonate (Bambui? Group, Brazil) and implications for the Neoproterozoic glacial events 2007
Investigation of 238U-230Th-226Ra and 232Th-228Ra-228Th radioactive disequilibria in volcanic rocks from Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands (Brazil; Southern Atlantic Ocean) 2007
Depósitos Litorâneos Neoproterozóicos do Grupo Alto Paraguai no Sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico, Região de Mirassol D'Oeste, Mato Grosso 2007
Evolução estratigráfica e Paleogeográfica do Grupo Santa Bárbara (Ediacarano) na Sub-bacia Camaquã Central, RS 2007
Identificação de distorções em redes altimétricas usando geóide e GPS 2007
Genesis and geodynamic significance of Mesoproterozoic and Early Cretaceous tholeiitic dyke swarms from the São Francisco Craton (Brazil): Probing the role of lithospheric and plume components 2007
Geomagnetically induced currents in an electric power transmission system at low latitudes in Brazil: A case study study 2007
Drift of South América Platform since Early Cretaceous: Revewing the apparent polar wander path 2007
Upper mantle structure of South America from joint inversion of waveforms and fundamental mode group velocities of Rayleigh waves 2007
Identification of a Sturtian cap carbonate in the Neoproterozoic Sete Lagoas carbonate platform, Bambui Group, Brazil 2007
Eastern Paraguay: an overview of the post-Paleozoic magmatism and geodynamic implications. 2007
Ground-penetrating radar profiles over multiple steel tanks: Artifact removal through effective data processing 2007
Stepped inversion of magnetic data 2007
Radium content in ground water from a granitic batholith of the metamorphic basement, eastern São Paulo State, Brazil 2006
Paleomagnetic record of Africa and South America for the 1200-500 Ma interval, and evaluation of Rodinia and Gondwana assemblies 2006
GRP utilizado na deteção da geometria de cavas usadas para disposição de resíduos de óleos lubrificantes 2006
AMS and grain shape fabric of the Late Paleozoic diamictites of Southeastern Paraná basin, Brazil 2006
Linear inversion of a negative gravity anomaly in SE Rio Grande Cone: a graben on Oceanic Crust 2006
Chemostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic Mirassol d'Oeste cap dolostones (Mato Grosso, Brazil): An alternative model for Marinoan cap dolostone formation 2006
Investigação Gravimétrica do complexo alcalino de Ipanema, São Paulo, Brasil 2006
Análise do emprego do GPR para estimar o teor de umidade do solo a partir de um estudo na Cidade de São Paulo 2006
O Interior da Terra 2006
GPR for mapping fractures and as a guide for the extraction of ornamental granite from a quarry: a case study from Southern Brazil 2006
Magnetic fabrics, rock magnetism, Cathodo-luminescence and petrography of "undeformed" Bambuí Limestones from São Francisco basin (Minas Gerais State-Brazil): an integrated study 2006
Remagnetization of bituminous limestones of the Neoproterozoic Araras Group (Amazon Craton): Hydrocarbon maturation, burial diagenesis or both? 2006
Paleomagnetism of Early Cambrian Itabaiana mafic dikes (NE Brazil) and the final assembly of Gondwana 2006
Seismic characteristics of central Brazil crust and upper mantle: A deep seismic refraction study 2006
Utilização do GPR para caracterizar tambores plásticos enterrados no sítio controlado de geofísica rasa do IAG/USP 2006
O sítio controlado de geofisica rasa do IAG/USP: Instalação e resultados GPR 2D-3D 2006
Upper mantle anisotropy in SE and Central Brazil from SKS splitting: evidence of asthenospheric flow around a cratonic keel 2006
Modelagem 3D da deformação flexural em margens continentais 2006
Aplicação integrada de métodos geofísicos em uma área de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos em Bauru-SP 2006
O uso do GPS em levantamentos geofísicos terrestres 2006
Comparative tests of seismic among sources and geophones aiming at shallow reflection seismic investigation in urban areas 2006
Crustal and upper mantle structure in the intracratonic Paraná Basin, SE Brazil, from surface wave dispersion using genetic algorithms 2006
Resultados paleomagnéticos preliminares do Grupo Santa Fé (Paleozóico da Bacia Sanfranciscana): implicações sobre a idade e paleolatitude da sedimentação glacial 2006
Paleomagnetic constraints on the age of the Botucatu Formation in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil 2006
A least squares procedure for calculating the calibration constants of a portable gamma-ray spectrometer 2005
Detrital remanence magnetization in heamatite-bearing Neoproterozoic Puga Cap Dolostone, Amazon Craton: a rock magnetic and SEM study 2005
Effect of lateral variation and model parameterization on surface wave dispersion to estimate the average shallow structure in the Paraná Basin 2005
Widespread Late Mesoproterozoic tholeiitic magmatism of the São Francisco craton (Brazil): petrology, geochemistry and geotectonic settings 2005
Petromagnetic characteristics of Cameroon Line volcanic rocks 2005
The Paranapanema lithospheric block: Its Importance for Proterozoic (Rodinia, Gondwana) supercontinent theories 2005