Effects of tectonic quiescence between orogeny and rifting. |
Salazar‐Mora, C. A., & Sacek, V. |
2023 |
A study of volcanic rocks and ferromanganese crusts through marine geophysical methods integration in the north portion of Cruzeiro do Sul Rift in the Rio Grande Rise |
Silva, J.P.M., Sacek, V. & Silva, R.M. |
2023 |
The Ediacaran apparent polar wander path of the Río de la Plata craton revisited: Paleogeographic implications |
Cukjati, A., Franceschinis, P. R., Arrouy, M. J., Peral, L. G., Poiré, D. G., Trindade, R. I. F., & Rapalini, A. E. |
2023 |
The Amazon paleoenvironment resulted from geodynamic, climate, and sea-level interactions. |
Sacek, V., Mutz, S. G., Bicudo, T. C., de Almeida, R. P., & Ehlers, T. A. |
2023 |
Artifacts resembling Ediacaran or Cambrian fossils: how to identify them and avoid their generation. |
Toniolo, T. F., Leme, J. M., Carmo, D. A., Fairchild, T. R., Morais, L., & Trindade, R. I. |
2023 |
Reservoir impoundment-triggered seismicity in Brazil: the case of M4. 0 Nova Ponte earthquake. |
Raza, H., Kivi, I. R., França, G. S., & Vilarrasa, V. |
2023 |
The Late Cretaceous alkaline magmatism in the SE Brazilian coast: new paleomagnetic data and age constraints |
Ernesto, M. & Raposo, M. I. B. |
2023 |
The enduring Ediacaran paleomagnetic enigma |
Domeier, M., Robert, B., Meert, J. G., Kulakov, E. V., McCausland, P. J., Trindade, R. I., & Torsvik, T. H. |
2023 |
Study of the correlation between magnetic susceptibility and NMR relaxation using T2-filtered and T1-weighted CPMG |
Lucas-Oliveira, E., Jácomo, M. H., Marassi, A. G., da Trindade, R. I. F., & Bonagamba, T. J. |
2023 |
GPR survey on underwater archaeological site: A case study at Jenipapo stilt village in the eastern Amazon region, Brazil. |
Porsani, J. L., Navarro, A. G., Rangel, R. C., de Siqueira Neto, A. C., Lima, L. G., Stangari, M. C., Souza, L. A. P. & dos Santos, V. R. N. |
2023 |
Atividades da pós-graduação on-line durante a pandemia na Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. |
Nunes, F. L. S., Marangoni, Y. R., Barreto-Chaves, M. L., Trindade-Suedam, I. K., Rubira-Bullen, I. R. F., Gir, E., & Carlotti Jr, C. G. |
2023 |
Environmental magnetic characterization for the Pialli Level and the Cretaceous Oceanic Red Bed 7 (late Albian, Poggio le Guaine core, central Italy). |
Teixeira, K. M., Savian, J. F., Mello, R. G., Leandro, C. G., Kochhann, M. V., Giorgioni, M., Vidal, P. H. P. C., Martini, A. P., Jovane, L., Frontalini, F., Coccioni, R., Figueiredo, M., Tedeschi, L. R., Matsumoto, H., Kuroda, J. & Trindade, R. I. |
2023 |
Python programs to apply regularized derivatives in the magnetic tilt derivative and gradient intensity data processing: A graphical procedure to choose the regularization parameter. |
Melo, J. A., Mendonça, C. A., & Marangoni, Y. R. |
2023 |
Aplicação da geofísica em estudos de arqueologia do lixo. |
Hatae, M., Elis, V. R., & Andrade, A. W. O. |
2023 |
Testing the Mesozoic Dipole Low in the Early Cretaceous with multispecimen paleointensities from the Paraná Flood Basalts, Southern Brazil |
Goguitchaichvili, A., Morales, J., Trindade, R., & Kravchinsky, V. A. |
2023 |
he Paraná Magmatic Province: State-of-the-Art in the Geophysical and Geochemical Investigations. |
Bologna, M. S., Júnior, E. R. V. R., Ernesto, M., & Marques, L. S. |
2022 |
Magnetic signatures of a creosote oil contaminated site: case study in São Paulo, Brazil. |
Moraes, C. S., Ustra, A. T., Barbosa, A. M., Imbernon, R. A. L., & Tengan, C. M. U. |
2022 |
The Paraná Magmatic Province: State-of-the-Art in the Geophysical and Geochemical Investigations. |
Bologna, M. S., Júnior, E. R. V. R., Ernesto, M., & Marques, L. S. |
2022 |
Vertical deformation partitioning across a collapsing large and hot orogen |
Temporim, F.A., Trindade, R.I.F., Egydio-Silva, M., Angelo, T.V., Tohver, E., Soares, C.C., Gouvêa, L.P., mendes, J.C., Medeiros, S.R., Pedrosa-Soares, A.C. & Silva, G.G. |
2022 |
Stalagmite paleomagnetic record of a quiet mid-to-late Holocene field activity in central South America |
Jaqueto, P., Trindade, R.I.F., Terra-Nova, F., Feinberg, J.M., Novello, V.F., Strikis0, N.M., Schroedl, P., Azevedo, V., Strauss, B.E., Cruz, F.W., Cheng, H. & Edwards, R.L. |
2022 |
Gravity surveys and 3D integrated model with magnetic and geological data of the granite-greenstone terrane in Pitangui Synclinorium, NW of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG, Brazil). |
Matos, C. A., Amorim, P. H., de Souza Marinho, M., Marangoni, Y. R., Araújo, J. C. S., de Oliveira, R. G., & Lombello, J. C. |
2022 |
Mandyoc: A finite element code to simulatethermochemical convection in parallel |
Sacek, V., Assunção, J., Pesce, A. & Da Silva, R.M. |
2022 |
A Near Surface Geophysics Teaching and Research Laboratory |
Elis, V.R. & Porsani, J.L. |
2022 |
Late Holocene paleosecular variation and relative paleointensity records from Lagoa dos Patos (southern Brazil) |
Lopes, C.T., Savian, J.F., Frigo, E., Endrizzi, G., Hartmann, G.A., Santos, N.O., Trindade, R.I.F., Ivanoff, M.D., Toldo Jr, E.E., Fauth, G., Oliveira, L.V. & Bom, M.H.H. |
2022 |
Comparison of nonhyperbolic travel-time equations of multicomponent seismic data using different optimization algorithms |
Zuniga, N.R.C.F. |
2022 |
Paleosecular variation record from Pleistocene-Holocene lava flows in southern Colombia |
Oliveira, W.P., Hartmann, G.A., Savian, J.F., Nova,G., Parra, M., Biggin, A.J. & Trindade, R.I.F. |
2022 |
Influence of shear wave velocity heterogeneity on SH-wave reverberation imaging of the mantle transition zone. |
Liu, M., Ritsema, J., & Chaves, C. A. |
2022 |
Barking up the Right Tree: Using Tree Bark to Track Airborne Particles in School Environment and Link Science to Society |
Leite, A.D.S., Rousse, S., Trindade, R.I.F., Haoues-Jouve, S., Carvalho, C., Dias-Alves, M., Proietti, A., Nardin, E. & Macouin, M. |
2022 |
Geoelectrical approach to establishing conceptual pit limits in a barite deposit |
Silva, R.S., Lasmar, F.P., Bezerra, E.B., Elis, V.A., Martins, A.C. & Tomi, G. de, |
2022 |
Earth's Paleomagnetic Field and its Changes Through Time. |
Ernesto, M., Brandt, D., Franco, D. R., & Maciel, G. C. |
2022 |
Sensitivity kernels in seismic wave propagation: a simplified explanation for the banana-doughnut paradox |
Ciardelli, C. |
2022 |
Inversion and complexity analysis of wave parameters applied to spectral recomposition of ground penetrating radar (GPR) data |
Zuniga, N.R.C.F. |
2022 |
Orthometric, normal and geoid heights in the context of the Brazilian altimetric network |
Medeiros, D.F. de, Marotta, G.S., Chaves, C.A.M. & França, G.S.L.A. de |
2022 |
Influence of surface processes on post-rift faulting during divergent margins evolution. |
Silva, R.M. & Sacek, V. |
2022 |
Astronomical tuning of the Aptian stage and its implications for age recalibrations and paleoclimatic events.Astronomical tuning of the Aptian stage and its implications for age recalibrations and paleoclimatic events. |
Leandro, C.G., Savian, J.F., Kochhann, M.V.L., Franco, d.R., Coccioni, R., Fontalini, F., Gardin, S., Jovane, L., Figueiredo, M., Teceschi, L.R., Janikian, L., Almeida, R.P. & Trindade, R.I.F. |
2022 |
Sedimentary and tectonic breccias at the base of the Ediacaran Tamengo Formation (Corumbá Group): a comparative study. |
Fernandes, H.A., Boggiani, P.C., Afonso, J.W.L., Amorim, K.B. & Trindade, R.I.F. |
2022 |
Late Tonian explosive volcanism and hyaloclastites in northern Paraguay Belt, Central Brazil: A record of Rodinia break-up in western Gondwana |
Silva, M.F., Dantas, E.L., Matteini, M. & Trindade, R.I.F., |
2022 |
Late Tonian explosive volcanism and hyaloclastites in northern Paraguay Belt, Central Brazil: A record of Rodinia break-up in western Gondwana. |
Silva, M.F., Dantas, E.L., Matteini, M. & Trindade, R.I.F. |
2022 |
Fracture Critical Length Estimative Using Percolation Theory and Well Logging Data. |
Kowalski, A.C., Mendonça, C.A., Ofterdinger, U.S., & Rocha, H.R. |
2022 |
Laboratory simulations of self-potential signals to assist groundwater studies |
Mendonça, C. A., de Vasconcelos, S. S., & Kowalski, A. C. G. |
2022 |
Extracting reliable empirical Green's functions using weighted cross-correlation functions of ambient seismic noise in west-central and southern Brazil. |
Shirzad, T., Safarkhani, M., & Assumpção, M. S. |
2022 |
U-Pb geochronology of a reversely zoned pluton: Records of pre-to-post collisional magmatism of the Araçuaí belt (SE-Brazil)?. |
Bellon, U.D., Souza Junior, G.F., Temporim, F.A., D´Agrella-Filho, M.S. & Trindade, R.I.F. |
2022 |
Paleomagnetic Constraints From 925 Ma Mafic Dykes in North China and Brazil: Implications for the Paleogeography of Rodinia. |
Hu, Y., Zhao, X., Peng, P., Yang, F., D'Agrella‐Filho, M. S., Chen, W., & Xu, M. |
2022 |
Climate changes and the formation of fluvial terraces in central Amazonia inferred from landscape evolution modeling |
Prado, A.H., Almeida, R.P., Galeazzi, C.P., Sacek, V. & Schlunegger, F. |
2022 |
Determinação de elementos terras raras, U, TH e outros elementos traço por análise por ativação com nêutrons para estudo das rochas da província magmática do Paraná |
Marques, L. S. & Figueiredo, A. M. G. |
2022 |
Borehole magnetometry to determine the depth of reinforced foundations in telecommunication towers. |
Santos, M.C.S., Mendonça, C.A., Souza, T.J., Hemsi, P.S. & Gandolfo, O.C.B. |
2022 |
Rayleigh wave group velocity maps at periods of 10-150 s beneath South America |
Nascimento, A.V.S., França, G.S.L.A. de, Chaves, C.A.M. & Marotta, G.S. |
2022 |
Magnitude relations between the teleseismic mb, the regional mR and Mw for intraplate earthquakes in Brazil. |
Assumpção, M., Carvalho, J. M., Dias, F. L., Drouet, S., Barbosa, J. R., de Bianchi, M. B., & Collaço, B. |
2022 |
Sedimentary and tectonic breccias at the base of the Ediacaran Tamengo Formation (Corumbá Group): a comparative study |
Fernandes, H.A., Boggiani, P.C., Afonso, J.W.L., Amorim, K.B. & Trindade, R.I.F. |
2022 |
Interactions between tectonics, bedrock inheritance and geomorphic responses of rivers in a post-rifting upland (Ponta Grossa Arch region, Brazil) |
Santos, M. D., Ladeira, F. S. B., Batezelli, A., Nunes, J. O. R., Salamuni, E., Silva, C. L. D., Molina, E. C. & Moraes, I. C. |
2022 |