
Título Autores Ano de publicação
Geoelectric evidence for centripetal resurge of impact melt and breccias over central uplift of Araguainha impact structure 2010
Pitfalls of tremor-like signals for hydrocarbon exploration in production oil fields in Potiguar Basin, Northeast Brazil Nunes, L.C. 2010
GPR survey at Lapa do Santo archaeological site, Lagoa Santa karstic region, Minas Gerais state, Brazil 2010
Estimativas do teor de umidade empregando o método GPR: uma avaliação comparativa em experimentos de laboratório e campo Prado, R.L. 2010
Understanding biogeobatteries: Where geophysics meets microbiology Mendonça, C.A. 2010
Closing the Clymene ocean and bending a Brasiliano belt: Evidence for the Cambrian formation of Gondwana, southeast Amazon craton. Trindade, R.I.F. 2010
Intraplate earthquake swarm in Belo Jardim, NE Brazil: reactivation of a major NeoProterozoic shear zone (Pernambuco Lineament) Assumpção, M. 2010
The Ediacaran to Cambrian rift system of Southeastern South America: tectonic implications Janikian L. 2010
Seismic activity triggered by water wells in the Paraná Basin, Brazil Yamabe, T.H. 2010
Paleomagnetism of the Santa Fé Group, Central Brazil: Implications for the late Paleozoic apparent polar wander path for South America 2009
Time evolution of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly 2009
Virtual Pole from Magnetic Anomaly (VPMA): a procedure to estimate the age of a rock from its magnetic anomaly only 2009
Fatores gravimétricos no Brasil para um modelo anelítico da Terra 2009
The intraplate Porto dos Gaúchos seismic zone in the Amazon craton - Brazil 2009
The Araguainha impact: a South American Permo-Triassic catactrophic event 2009
. Determinacion Del valor absoluto de la intensidad del campo geomagnético sobre las formaciones cretacicas del Hemisfério Sur 2009
GPR and inductive electromagnetic surveys applied in three coastal sambaqui (shell monds) archaeological sites in Santa Catarina state. South Brazil 2009
A multilayered water column in the Ediacaran Yangtze platform? Insights from carbonate and organic matter paired ?13C 2009
Inversion of teleseismic receiver function and magnetotelluric sounding to determine basement depth in the Paraná Basin, SE Brazil 2009
First archeointensity results from Portuguese potteries (1550-1750 AD) 2009
Development and calibration of a portable radon sampling system for groundwater 222Rn activity concentration measurements 2009
A palaeomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar study of late precambrian sills in the SW part of the Amazonian craton: Amazonia in the Rodinia reconstruction 2009
Palaeomagnetism, rock magnetism and AMS of the Cabo Magmatic Province, NE Brazil, and the opening of South Atlantic 2009
The position of the Amazonian Craton in Supercontinents 2009
Litogeoquímica e aspectos petrogenéticos dos basaltos da Província Magmática do Paraná na porção centro-norte do Estado de São Paulo 2009
Reappraisal of the effective elastic thickness for the sub-Andes using 3-D finite element flexural modelling, gravity and geological constraints 2009
Contribuições dos estudos paleomagnéticos ao entendimento da abertura do Atlântico Ernesto, M. 2009
Gravity and magnetic 3D inversion of Morro do Engenho complex, Central Brazil 2009
Absolute Thellier paleointensities from Ponta Grossa dikes (southern Brazil) and the early Cretaceous geomagnetic field strength 2009
Paleointensity data from Early Cretaceous Ponta Grossa dikes (Brazil) using a multisample method 2009
Detecção de contaminação de Solo por Vinhaça através de análise de dados de eletrorresistividade 2008
Programs to compute magnetization to density ratio and the magnetization inclination from 3-D gravity and magnetic anomalies 2008
Geophysical investigation using resistivity and GPR methods: a case study of a lubricant oil waste disposal area in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil 2008
A late Neoproterozoic paleomagnetic pole for the Congo craton: Tectonic setting, paleomagnetism and geochronology of the Nola dike swarm (Central African Republic) 2008
Avaliação de modelos geoidais gravimétricos determinados com funções covariâncias planas esféricas (Estudo de Caso: Estado de São Paulo e adjacências) 2008
Induced seismicity in the Castanhão reservoir, NE Brazil — Preliminary results 2008
Crustal thicknesses estimation beneath the southern central Andes at 30ºS and 36ºS from S wave receiver function analysis 2008
Structural evolution of the 40 km wide Araguainha impact structure, central Brazil 2008
Formação Sete Lagoas em sua área-tipo: fácies, estratigrafia e sistemas deposicionais 2008
The continental Record of Ediacaran volcano-sedimentary successions in southern Brazil and its global implications 2008
Uranium series disequilibria in ground waters from a fractured bedrock aquifer (Morungaba Granitoids-Southern Brazil): implications to the hydrochemical behavior of dissolved U and Ra 2008
As anomalias geológicas e geofísicas localizadas ao norte de Itapororoca (PB), folha Guarabira 2008
Forward and inverse self-potential modeling in mineral exploration 2008
Gravimetric study of a potential mineral deposit in the Itapororoca region, Brazil 2008
Sobre a estimação e modelagem de funções covariâncias na colocação por mínimos quadrados 2008
O uso de sondagens dipolo-dipolo em estudos hidrogeológicos e de depósito de resíduos 2008
Identificação de distorções em redes altimétricas usando geóide e GPS 2007
Evolução estratigráfica e Paleogeográfica do Grupo Santa Bárbara (Ediacarano) na Sub-bacia Camaquã Central, RS 2007
Geomagnetically induced currents in an electric power transmission system at low latitudes in Brazil: A case study study 2007
Genesis and geodynamic significance of Mesoproterozoic and Early Cretaceous tholeiitic dyke swarms from the São Francisco Craton (Brazil): Probing the role of lithospheric and plume components 2007