Magnetic Fabric and Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Post-Collisional Santa Angélica Pluton. |
Temporim, F.A. |
2019 |
Modelagem gravimétrica direta 2D do Greenstone Belt Rio das Velhas na Região de Pitangui |
Matos, C.A. |
2019 |
Evaluation of Capivara (SP) station orientation using teleseismic events. |
Salles, V. |
2019 |
Monazite petrochronology evidence for long-lived high geothermal gradient metamorphism in the intracontinental Seridó Belt, Brazil. |
Cioffi, C.R. |
2019 |
Shallow rupture in very large and tsunami earthquakes evidenced by their high frequency energy release rate and its use for rapid assessment of enhanced tsunami potential. |
Convers, J.A. |
2019 |
On the use of magnetic properties to study soil hydrocarbon biodegradation |
Ustra, A. |
2019 |
Ultrafine magnetic particles characterization as a proxy of biogeochemical processes at a brownfield |
Ustra, A. |
2019 |
Fábricas corticais em ooides da Formação Tamengo, Faixa Paraguai Sul: evidências de sedimentação aragonítica em ambientes rasos no final do Ediacarano |
Gómez Gutiérrez, J.C. |
2019 |
Inversion of AEM Data With Strong IP Effects Over Metallic Sulfide Dissemination Within Banded Iron Formations |
Couto, M. A. |
2019 |
Quantifying ancient precipitation with annual resolution records of speleothem magnetism (Invited) |
Fu, R. |
2019 |
5.1Mw 2014 Lloja earthquake, Bolivia: The transition between extensional stresses of the central Altiplano and compressional stresses of the sub-Andes |
Fernandez Maranon, G.A. |
2019 |
The influence of Dynamic Topography on the Sedimentary Evolution in the Amazon Fan and Interior Basins in Northern South America. |
Sacek, V. |
2019 |
Influências de estruturas metálicas na aquisição de dados eletromagnéticos obtidos com condutivímetro EM34 |
Silva, C.U. |
2019 |
S -Wave Velocity Model (1D) For The Lithosphere Of The Pantanal Basin |
Tadeu, E.V.C., |
2019 |
Crustal and Lithospheric Structure of the Pantanal Wetlands, an Active Quaternary Basin Surrounded by Cratons in South America. |
Assumpção, M. |
2019 |
Speleothem derived secular variation in Morocco for the past 6000 years |
Carmo, J. |
2019 |
Disturbances in the late EdiacaranCambrian marine carbon cycling tracked through paired carbon isotope evolution of the Bambuí Group, Brazil |
Caetano Filho, S. |
2019 |
The Seismic Zone of Southern Paraguay with a Revised Catalog: Another Example of Intraplate Activity in a Lithospheric Thin Spot? |
Assumpção, M. |
2019 |
Towards an understanding of magnetic mineralogy in speleothems from South America |
Jaqueto, P. |
2019 |
Brumadinho tailings dam failure through the USP Seismological Center perspective. |
Collaço, B. |
2019 |
Historical And Cartographic Survey In The Analysis Of Seismic Activity In WestCentral Brazil: Emphasis In The Pantanal Sedimentary Basin. |
Silva, L.J. |
2019 |
Maranhão aftershocks activity studies with local seismic network for getting the main shock as a GT5 event. |
Barros, L.V. |
2019 |
Ultrafine magnetic particles characterization as a proxy of biogeochemical processes at a brownfield site |
Ustra, A. |
2019 |
Continental lithospheric mantle lateral flow during tectonic quiescence |
Mora, C.A.S. |
2019 |
New crustal focal mechanism solutions for Bolivia: mapping the transition from Subandean compression and Altiplano extension |
Fernandez, G.A. |
2019 |
Identification of Earthquakes in the city of Londrina/Paraná through cross correlation. |
Silva, L.F. |
2019 |
New Late Pennsylvanian Paleomagnetic Results from Parana Basin (Southern Brazil): a Possible Record of the Persistent Non-Dipolar Component During Kiaman Times? |
Brandt, D. |
2018 |
The final west Gondwana suture? The Araguai Belt, Brazil. |
McGee, B. |
2018 |
1D AEMIP Inversion Using MPA Reparameterization for HTEM Survey at Lamego Gold Mine, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, MG, Brazil. |
Couto, M.A. |
2018 |
CAMP intrusive and extrusive activity and its influence on the end-Triassic mass extinction. |
Valeriani, L. |
2018 |
Geomagnetic field intensity in South America over the 500 years: New archeointensity results from South Brazil. |
Hartmann, G.A. |
2018 |
A Ti-, Zr-, Th-, and U-Rich Hydrothermal Assemblage Associated with the Precambrian Yarrabubba Impact Structure (Western Australia). |
Schmieder, M. |
2018 |
The genesis of Paraná Magmatic Province basalts (Brazil): contribution of new Hf isotope data |
Marques, L.S. |
2018 |
Hydraulically Induced Seismicity in South-Eastern Brazil Linked to Water Wells |
Convers, J. |
2018 |
Assessment of South America Mid-Plate Strain Rates through GNSS Velocities Estimated from SIRGAS-C Time Series |
Marques, H.A. |
2018 |
Environmental magnetic changes in the Southwestern South Atlantic for the Last Glacial: evidence from magnetotactic bacterial production |
Savian, J., , ., , , , , , & |
2018 |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Pore Coupling in Clay-Coated Sandstones With Anomalous Porosity Preservation, Água Grande Formation, Recôncavo Basin, Brazil |
Jácomo, M.H. |
2018 |
Source apportionment of airborne particulate matter using magnetic parameters as tracers in addition to chemical tracers on the biomonitoring of a petrochemical complex in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo, Brazil |
Kamigauti, L.Y. |
2018 |
Mantle heterogeneity across the Andean subduction zone from finite-frequency teleseismic S-wave tomography |
Rodriguez, E.E. |
2018 |
Conservation, Scanning and Digitization of Historical Geomagnetic Data Archives from Brazil |
Franco, D.R. |
2018 |
The Belo Monte effect: how an enormous dam has already affected a rich Amazon ecosystem - and what the future might hold for it. |
Camargo, M.G.P. |
2018 |
Source Seismic Parameters of the New Seismic Zone of Porto dos Gauchos - Amazon Craton Brazil |
Barros, L.V. |
2018 |
A Rare Case of Seasonal Induced Seismicity in Southeast Brazil. |
Convers, J.A. |
2018 |
Lithosphere expression of the boundary between the Amazonian and extra-Amazonian domains of the South American Platform from travel-time seismic tomography. |
Rocha, M.P. |
2018 |
Inferred Variations in Thermal and Rheological State of the Nazca Slab from High-Resolution Tomographic Imaging |
Portner, D.E. |
2018 |
South Atlantic Anomaly recurrence revealed by 1500 yrs speleothem geomagnetic records |
Trindade, R.I.F. |
2018 |
Evaluating the ratio of S-wave to P-wave velocity variations for the Pacific LLVP based on long-period traveltime data. |
Koelemeijer, P. |
2018 |
Bioelectrochemical systems for enhancement and monitoring of waste treatment |
Kirmizakis, P. |
2018 |
On the reliability of Sr isotope chemostratigraphy of late Ediacaran carbonates from the Bambuí Group. |
Guacaneme, C. |
2018 |
Lithospheric Structure of the Pantanal Wetlands, an Active Quaternary Basin in Mid-Plate South America: Results of the 3-Basins Project |
Assumpção, M. |
2018 |