
Título Autores Ano de publicação
Numerical Modeling of the Landscape Evolution and Denudation History of the Borborema Province, NE Brazilian Continental Margin Sacek, V. 2019
Inversion of AEM Data With Strong IP Effects Over Metallic Sulfide Dissemination Within Banded Iron Formations Couto, M. A. 2019
Influências de estruturas metálicas na aquisição de dados eletromagnéticos obtidos com condutivímetro EM34 Silva, C.U. 2019
Geocronologia do Grupo Bambuí: rumo ao Paleozóico? Babinsky, M. 2019
Shallow rupture in very large and tsunami earthquakes evidenced by their high frequency energy release rate and its use for rapid assessment of enhanced tsunami potential. Convers, J.A. 2019
Towards High-Resolution Waveform Tomography of South America Melo, B.C. 2019
Crustal structure using ambient seismic noise in west-central Brazil. Shirzad, T. 2019
Modified Mercalli Intensity Values due to different interpreters: an automatic approach. Lion, M. 2019
Deep crustal source for hydrogen and helium gases in the São Francisco Basin, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Flude, S. 2019
5.1Mw 2014 Lloja earthquake, Bolivia: The transition between extensional stresses of the central Altiplano and compressional stresses of the sub-Andes Fernandez Maranon, G.A. 2019
Quantifying ancient precipitation with annual resolution records of speleothem magnetism (Invited) Fu, R. 2019
Development of computational routines to compute a library of Fréchet kernels for finite frequency tomography in SE Brazil. Rodrigues, L.N. 2019
Historical And Cartographic Survey In The Analysis Of Seismic Activity In WestCentral Brazil: Emphasis In The Pantanal Sedimentary Basin. Silva, L.J. 2019
Evaluation of the Flexural Influence of the Andean Cordillera on the Pantanal Basin: Results From Visco-Elastic Numerical Models. Silva, J.P.M. 2019
S -Wave Velocity Model (1D) For The Lithosphere Of The Pantanal Basin Tadeu, E.V.C., 2019
Characteristics of an Ongoing Seasonally Rain-Induced Seismicity in South-East Brazil Convers, J. 2019
Speleothem derived secular variation in Morocco for the past 6000 years Carmo, J. 2019
Identification of Earthquakes in the city of Londrina/Paraná through cross correlation. Silva, L.F. 2019
Do the sedimentary archives of the São Francisco and Amazonian cratons record early Paleoproterozoic glacial events? Rossignol, C. 2019
Azimuthal and Radial Anisotropy Models of West-Central Brazil using Ambient Seismic Noise Shirzad, T. 2019
Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio for three stations in Uruguay using receiver function analysis: preliminary results. Rodriguez, M. 2019
Moho Depth From S-wave Receiver Function In Reverberating Low-velocity Sedimentary Basin Lopez, L. 2019
Conservação e Digitalização do Registro Geomagnético Histórico do Observatório Magnético de Vassouras. Nascimento, E.P., Peixoto, I.M.C., Oliveira, R.R., Muniz, A.L., Franco, D.R., Hartmann, G.A., Bianchi, M.B., Hannesch, O., Garcia, A.C.O., Santos, A.F., Rangel, M.F., Abdulmalek, A., Aguiar, H.H., Costa, V.A., Aguiar, L.F., Santos, E.S., Frade, E.P., Wiermann, A., Guimarães, L.M., Ladeira, H.F., Bernardes, V., Papa, A.R.R., Trindade, R.I.F., Vieira, F.P., Pinheiro, K.J.R., Soares, G.B,m Yokoyama, E., Barbosa, J.R. 2019
Characteristics Of The Ongoing Seasonally Rain-induced Seismicity In Jurupema, SP Convers, J.A. 2019
Modelagem gravimétrica direta 2D do Greenstone Belt Rio das Velhas na Região de Pitangui Matos, C.A. 2019
On the use of magnetic properties to study soil hydrocarbon biodegradation Ustra, A. 2019
IoT in seismology: real-time transmission methods. 2019
Azimuthal anisotropy in west-central Brazil using ambient seismic noise. Shirzad, T. 2019
Monazite petrochronology evidence for long-lived high geothermal gradient metamorphism in the intracontinental Seridó Belt, Brazil. Cioffi, C.R. 2019
Levantamento Litoestrutural do Segmento Central da Zona de Cisalhamento Guaçuí Souza Jr, G.F. 2019
USP Data Center: infrastructure supporting the Seismology Center Calhau, J. 2019
Environmental magnetic record of paleoclimate changes from the southwestern South Atlantic during the last glacial period: preliminary results. Savian, J.F. 2019
Focal Mecanism Database for South America. Dias, F. 2019
A New seismic zone in Porto dos Gaúchos - MT Barros, L.V. 2019
Statistical characteristics of Reservoir-Triggered Seismicity in Brazil Barros, L.V. 2019
Cortical fabrics in ooids of the Tamengo Formation, Brazil: further evidence for widespread late Ediacaran aragonite precipitation in shallow marine settings. Gomez Gutierrez, J.C. 2019
Maranhão aftershocks activity studies with local seismic network for getting the main shock as a GT5 event. Barros, L.V. 2019
New crustal focal mechanism solutions for Bolivia: mapping the transition from Subandean compression and Altiplano extension Fernandez, G.A. 2019
A comparison of the Brazilian regional magnitude, mR, with the teleseismic mb for intraplate sub-Andean earthquakes Barbosa, J.R. 2019
Geomagnetic paleosecular variation from 42000 to 5000 cal years BP in southern Brazil: preliminary results Frigo, E. 2019
Updated Crustal Thickness map of central South America Based on Receiver Function measurements in the Pantanal and Chaco basins, western Brazil Vera, J.C.R. 2019
Sedimentologia da formação Tamengo (Grupo Corumbá) – Implantação de uma rampa carbonática-siliciclástica no final do Ediacarano Afonso, J.W.L. 2019
Investigação geoelétrica de depósito de barita – resultados preliminares Lasmar, F.P. 2019
A new, comprehensive model for the geometry of the Nazca slab down to 1,200 km depth derived from teleseismic P-wave tomography and earthquake data. Portner, D.E. 2019
Coupled multiple sulfur and organic carbon isotope geochemistry of Brazilian Precambrian rocks Bouyon, A. 2019
Geoelectric modeling for the design of the grounding system of the Bom Jardim da Serra windfarm Freire, P.F. 2019
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map for Bolivia Fernandez, G.M. 2019
A Zona de deslocamento milonítica de baixo ângulo do Ofiolito Quatipuru, Brasil Central Dantas, E.L. 2019
Effect of the Cold Nazca Slab on the Depth of the 660-km Discontinuity in South America 2019
Mantle convection under the South American plate and possible implications on the evolution of the Pantanal Basin. Assunção, J. 2019