
Título Autor Ano de publicação
Modeling close encounters with massive asteroids, a Markovian approach Carruba, V. 2007
Ground-penetrating radar profiles over multiple steel tanks: Artifact removal through effective data processing Porsani, J.L. 2007
Radio-continuum spectrum, brightness temperature, and planetary nebulae properties Gruenwald, R. 2007
Geoenvironmental site investigation using different techniques in a municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil Mondelli, G.,Mondelli, G. 2007
Time variation of radial gradients in the Galactic disk, electron temperatures and abundances Maciel, W.J. 2007
Variabilidade das medidas de fluxos de CO2 do solo obtidas pelo método da correlação de vórtices CABRAL, O. 2007
Formação e transporte das partículas finais inorgânicas em uma atmosfera urbana: o exemplo de São Paulo ALBUQUERQUE, T. T. A. 2007
Ages of elliptical galaxies, single- versus multi-population interpretation Idiart, T.P. 2007
Avaliação da dispersão de O3 troposférico na RMSP utilizando CIT e MM5 CARBONE, S. 2007
Transient jets in V617 Sagittarii Steiner, J.E. 2007
Estudo da CLP urbana por meio de um modelo de fechamento de segunda ordem unidimensional MARCIOTO, E. R. 2007
FSR 1767, a new globular cluster in the galaxy Bonatto, C. 2007
Impactos antropológicos no clima da região metropolitana de São Paulo PEREIRA FILHO, A. J. 2007
An extension of the SHARC survey Adami, C. 2007
Effective growth of matter density fluctuations in the running ? CDM and ? XCDM models Grande, J. 2007
First stars. VIII. Enrichment of the neutron-capture elements in the early Galaxy François, P. 2007
Large-scale index for South America Monsoon (LISAM) SILVA, A. E. 2007
Investigation of 238U-230Th-226Ra and 232Th-228Ra-228Th radioactive disequilibria in volcanic rocks from Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands (Brazil; Southern Atlantic Ocean) Santos, R.N 2007
Drift of South América Platform since Early Cretaceous: Revewing the apparent polar wander path Ernesto, M. 2007
Spectral models for solar scale and alfa-enchanced populations Coelho, P. 2007
The Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS) – Part1: Model description and evaluation FREITAS, S.R. 2007
CAL 87 - an evolved wind-driven supersoft X-ray binary Oliveira, A.S. 2007
An airborne regional carbon balance for Central Amazonia LLOYD, J. 2007
As incertezas regionais nos cenários de mudanças climáticas globais SILVA DIAS, M. A. F. 2007
LTD-Thellier paleointensity of 1.2 Ga Nova Floresta mafic rocks (Amazon craton) Celino, K.R 2007
On the nitrogen abundance of FLIERs: the outer knots of the planetary nebula NGC 7009 Gonçalves, D.R. 2006
Utilização do GPR para caracterizar tambores plásticos enterrados no sítio controlado de geofísica rasa do IAG/USP Rodrigues, S.I. 2006
GRP utilizado na deteção da geometria de cavas usadas para disposição de resíduos de óleos lubrificantes Borges, W.R.,Borges, W.R. 2006
Inter-El Niño variability and its impact on the South American low-level jet east of the Andes during austral summer- two case studies SILVA, G.A.M. 2006
Soil moisture dynamics in an eastern Amazonian tropical forest BRUNO, R. D. 2006
The young massive stellar cluster associated with RCW 121 Roman-Lopes, A. 2006
Analysis of 26 barium stars. I. Abundances Allen, D.M. 2006
Revisão dos Métodos de Penman e Penman-Monteith e sua Aplicação a Cânions Urbanos KARAM, H. A. 2006
O uso do GPS em levantamentos geofísicos terrestres Santos, M.S.T. 2006
Modulation of the intraseasonal rainfall over tropical Brazil by the Madden-Julian oscillation SOUZA, E. B. 2006
A Tomographic Study of the Classical Nova RR Pictoris Ribeiro, F.M.A. 2006
Polarimetry of Li-rich giants Pereyra, A. 2006
Semi-empirical analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies - II. The bimodality of the galaxy population revisited Mateus, A. 2006
Paleo-environmental change in Amazonian and African rainforest during the LGM ANHUF, D. 2006
The true nature of the alleged planetary nebula W16-185 Roman-Lopes, A. 2006
Soil occupation and atmospheric variations over Sobradinho Lake area. Part one: an observational analysis CORREIA, M. F.,CORREIA, M. F. 2006
Radium content in ground water from a granitic batholith of the metamorphic basement, eastern São Paulo State, Brazil Lucas, F.O. 2006
Spectroscopic analysis of southern B and Be stars Levenhagen, R.S. 2006
Optical polarimetric monitoring of the type II-plateau SN 2005af Pereyra, A. 2006
A Self-Consistent determination of the temperature profile and the magnetic field geometry in winds of late-type stars Vidotto, A.A. 2006
Analysis of 26 barium stars. II. Contributions of s-, r-, and p-processes in the production of heavy elements Allen, D.M. 2006
Variabilidade Interanual e intersazonal de freqüência de ciclones no Hemisfério Sul BEU, C. M. L. 2006
GPR for mapping fractures and as a guide for the extraction of ornamental granite from a quarry: a case study from Southern Brazil Porsani, J.L. 2006
The South American Low Level Jet Experiment (SALLJEX) VERA, C. 2006
Fundamental parameters of Be stars located in the seismology fields of COROT Frémat, Y. 2006