
Título Autor Ano de publicação
Variabilidade intrasazonal e interanual de extremos na precipitação sobre o centro-sul da Amazônia durante o verão austral MUZA, M. N. 2006
On the nitrogen abundance of FLIERs: the outer knots of the planetary nebula NGC 7009 Gonçalves, D.R. 2006
Detailed chemical evolution of Carina and Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxies Lanfranchi, G.A. 2006
Spectroscopic analysis of southern B and Be stars Levenhagen, R.S. 2006
Wet deposition and related atmospheric chemistry in the São Paulo metropolis, Brazil: Parte 3: Trends in precipitation chemistry during 1983 – 2003 FORNARO, A. 2006
Simulação Numérica do Clima de Verão Sobre o Sudeste do Brasil e sua Variabilidade Cuadra, S. V. 2006
Revisão dos Métodos de Penman e Penman-Monteith e sua Aplicação a Cânions Urbanos KARAM, H. A. 2006
O uso do GPS em levantamentos geofísicos terrestres Santos, M.S.T. 2006
The Dwarf Galaxy Population in Nearby Groups: The Data Carrasco, E.R. 2006
The relationship between ENSO and Paraná River flow CARDOSO, A. O. 2006
Discovery of a cluster of galaxies behind the Milky Way: X-ray and optical observations Lopes de Oliveira, R. 2006
Semi-empirical analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies - III. How to distinguish AGN hosts Stasinska, G. 2006
Modelagem 3D da deformação flexural em margens continentais Sacek, V. 2006
El Niño influence over South America during the mid-holocene JORGETTI, T. 2006
Data sets from the continental-scale experiments. ROADS, J. 2006
VLT-UVES abundance analysis of 4 giants in the template bulge cluster NGC 6553 Alves-Brito, A. 2006
Dynamical evidence of the age-metallicity relation in the Milky Way disk Rocha-Pinto, H.J. 2006
Polarimetry of Li-rich giants Pereyra, A. 2006
Paleo-environmental change in Amazonian and African rainforest during the LGM ANHUF, D. 2006
Comparative tests of seismic among sources and geophones aiming at shallow reflection seismic investigation in urban areas Bokhonok, O. 2006
AG Carinae: a luminous blue variable with a high rotational velocity Groh, J.H. 2006
Star Formation triggered by a SN explosion: an application to the stellar association of Beta-Pictoris Melioli, C. 2006
Radium content in ground water from a granitic batholith of the metamorphic basement, eastern São Paulo State, Brazil Lucas, F.O. 2006
Optical polarimetric monitoring of the type II-plateau SN 2005af Pereyra, A. 2006
First stars IX - Mixing in extremely metal-poor giants. Variation of the 12C/13C, [Na/Mg] and [Al/Mg] ratios Spite, M. 2006
On the fluctuations of the fluorescence photon yield of electrons in extensive air showers for different atmospheric conditions de Souza, V. 2006
Bright Metal-poor Stars from the Hamburg/ESO Survey. I. Selection and Follow-up Observations from 329 Fields Frebel, A. 2006
Deconvolução preditiva de dados GPR adquiridos sobre lâmina d'água: exemplo do Rio Taquari, Pantanal Matogrossense Moutinho, L. 2005
A least squares procedure for calculating the calibration constants of a portable gamma-ray spectrometer Brenha Ribeiro, F. 2005
Effect of lateral variation and model parameterization on surface wave dispersion to estimate the average shallow structure in the Paraná Basin An, M. 2005
Investigações geofísicas de superfície e de poço no sítio controlado de Geofísica rasa do IAG/USP Porsani, J.L. 2005
Lithosphere mechanical behavior inferred from tidal gravity anomalies: a comparison of Africa and South America Mantovani, M.S.M. 2005
Application of GPR in the study of a modern alluvial megafan: the case of the Taquari River in Pantanal Wetland, West-Central Brazil Porsani, J.L. 2005
Investigações GPR nos distritos mineiros de Santa Bárbara e Bom Futuro: província estanífera de Rondônia Porsani, J.L. 2005
Geophysical investigations for the characterization of fractured rock aquifers in Itu, SE Brazil Porsani, J.L. 2005
Delimitation of the Paranapanema Proterozoic block: a geophysical contribution Mantovani, M.S.M. 2005
Aplicação de ensaios de resistividade na caracterização do sistema aqüífero Barreiras/Marituba em Maceió-AL Elis, V.R. 2005
Widespread Late Mesoproterozoic tholeiitic magmatism of the São Francisco craton (Brazil): petrology, geochemistry and geotectonic settings De Min, A. 2005
Resultados geofísicos integrados de um corpo com geometria 3D sem manifestação superficial Rugenski, A. 2005
Petromagnetic characteristics of Cameroon Line volcanic rocks Ubangoh, R.U. 2005
Detrital remanence magnetization in heamatite-bearing Neoproterozoic Puga Cap Dolostone, Amazon Craton: a rock magnetic and SEM study Font, E. 2005
Integrated geophysical investigation of a possible new alkaline occurrence in SE Brazil. Mantovani, M.S.M. 2005
The Paranapanema lithospheric block: Its Importance for Proterozoic (Rodinia, Gondwana) supercontinent theories Mantovani, M.S.M. 2005
Corotation resonance and the radial distribution of oxygen in a spiral galaxy Acharova, I.A. 2005
Group-velocity tomography and lithospheric S-velocity structure of the South American continent Feng, M. 2004
Magnetic fabrics and rock magnetism of Paleoproterozoic dike swarm from southern of the São Francisco Craton, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Raposo, M.I.B. 2004
Inversion of gravity field inclination to map the basement relief of sedimentary basins Mendonça, C.A. 2004
Deep seismic refraction and gravity crustal model and tectonic deformation in Tocantins Province, Central Brazil Berrocal, J. 2004
Multi-objetive inversion of surface waves and receiver functions by competent genetic algorithm applied to the crustal structure of the Paraná Basin, SE Brazil An, M. 2004